I like Pokemon novel and I read many Pokemon novel. For me this is new. The way author justified why Eeevee evolution still in this novel still not discovered, initially I had a doubt regarding it. But to my surprised Author explain it splendidly in a scientific way! If you want to read a pokemon fanfic that not just full of battle but also research, scientific terms like DNA, mRNA thinks like that, I recommended this novel
Liked by 2 people
LIKEI like Pokémon novels[fan fictions] and I have read many Pokémon novels[fan fiction]. For me this is new, the way the author justified why eeveelution still isn't discovered in this novel, initially I had a doubt regarding it, but to my surprise the author explained it splendidly in a scientific way! If you want to read a Pokémon fanfic that isn't just full of battles but also research, scientific terms like DNA, mRNA and thinks like this/[et cetera]. I do recommend this novel [fan fiction]. [] - alternate additions/substitutions + grammar/vocabulary/structure fixes( ex: Pokemon -> Pokémon; explain -> explained; etc.)