
Review Detail of Someone_Or_Other in One Wish to Own the World

Review detail


Writing quality: native level. The author is very good with the English language and I spotted almost no mistakes. There are a few, but having read the first volume I think I only spotted less than ten or so, and some of those may be the fault of webnovel’s backend being wonky with formatting. Updating stability: unsure. I‘m writing this review as of chapter 30 and still haven’t caught up to current releases. Story development: slipshod, at best. The pacing is inconsistent, to say the least. The beginning of the novel is very slow, then everything happens at once in the very last chapter of the first volume. Without spoiling anything, I can say that everything that happened was poorly executed. There was some minimal foreshadowing that hinted at it, but nowhere near enough or early enough in the volume. So the last chapter came completely out of nowhere and reads more like the author suddenly deciding that Plot(tm) Must Happen Now rather than anything else. Character design: mediocre to poor. The characters show little to no development, and what changes they do undergo are unimportant at best. The only one that develops is the main character, and that development is, again, poorly executed. World background: fairly nonexistent. There’s almost no information about the world at all. 99% of the first volume, which is where the author should be focusing on building and introducing the world, is instead spent faffing about talking in depth about cultivation in the confines of the MC’s own room. Overall: read the free chapters and make your own judgment call. It isn’t a terrible novel so far, but it is a deeply flawed one that I personally won’t be willing to pay to read. Things may or may not improve after the events that took place at the end of volume 1, but given that the author has already set a cycle in motion with learn>experiment>improve, I have a feeling that the flaws I see will repeat over and over throughout the remainder of the novel. And I just can’t justify paying for content that exists solely for the sake of being “content”.

One Wish to Own the World


Liked by 5 people




Such a positive-minded author, whereas I once pointed out some honest criticism regarding one novel, and the author cursed me instead ...the novel is currently one of the best on this platform but ..NEVERMIND

Railvas:Thank you for your feedback. I agree that I didn't spend much time building the world background in the first volume, solely because the MC ended on his sixth birthday, so he didn't get to travel a lot out of the confines of his own room, and I focused on building his character. I might've been able to do a better job there, but I'm not dissatisfied with the final product. The suddenness was because it came just as suddenly to MC as well since he didn't manage his human interactions and relationships well. He was self-centered and things happened as a result along with a few other reasons. I won't spoil either, but the next volume is about his interactions with his clan and with a system (I mean as the sect, not as in a system novel) that isn't in his favor. His relationships there reflect his personality and traumas. The third volume includes other sects including the top ones, and some new characters are introduced quite in-depth. Overall the novel might revolve around the MC more than other novels, but I don't see it as a weakness. It's up to you whether to continue or not after hearing all that, but if you do, I'd love to hear your feedback again after the second volume, and who knows, maybe again after the third one. I will pin this review despite being negative since this is the type of criticism that can help me improve and hope to hear from you again someday.

Thank you for your feedback. I agree that I didn't spend much time building the world background in the first volume, solely because the MC ended on his sixth birthday, so he didn't get to travel a lot out of the confines of his own room, and I focused on building his character. I might've been able to do a better job there, but I'm not dissatisfied with the final product. The suddenness was because it came just as suddenly to MC as well since he didn't manage his human interactions and relationships well. He was self-centered and things happened as a result along with a few other reasons. I won't spoil either, but the next volume is about his interactions with his clan and with a system (I mean as the sect, not as in a system novel) that isn't in his favor. His relationships there reflect his personality and traumas. The third volume includes other sects including the top ones, and some new characters are introduced quite in-depth. Overall the novel might revolve around the MC more than other novels, but I don't see it as a weakness. It's up to you whether to continue or not after hearing all that, but if you do, I'd love to hear your feedback again after the second volume, and who knows, maybe again after the third one. I will pin this review despite being negative since this is the type of criticism that can help me improve and hope to hear from you again someday.