Whole thing is treated like he isnt part of the world. Ik he doesnt want to be there but he has parent and a new name there but mc is like nope. Use my ian as name even tho everyone calls him that worlds name. Mc is just treating it puke nothing real. This is main problem with world hoping ffs in general. No real character growth and barley anything really original going on. Author hates on negative comments when most may not be worded politely but alot speak the truth. Hope some like it but mc and world hoping and how he treats his predicament ruins it
Liked by 31 people
LIKEI have already explained the bit about his name and am not going to repeat again and again. He likes his old name. Not everyone wants to just forget the name they've had for their entire lives. IDK why people have so much hatred/dislike/problem with that. MC naturally doesn't care for the world at start since he didn't want to be here, but if you read till the latest chapters, there's small changes and development. It takes time, you know. 20+ chapters are not enough to show full on character development, at least not for me. But well, some people are just too impatient. As for it being close to original, I had already warned it in the very beginning that I would be keeping many things close to OG while making small or big changes where I like. I never once claimed that it'll be an original story. I think you (and some others) might have either skipped that disclaimer A/N at start or forgot about it. Not my fault if it bothers you later. 'Author hates on negative comments...' That's a bit of an exaggeration. I dislike some of the negative comments. And for good reasons too. Try writing a fic, spending hours into writing and editing, and then some jerk comes and rates it one star with a single line like 'mid boring fic' and no further reasoning or insults/berates you and/or your work for something so insignificant that it's almost funny. I don't know about others, but I can't always be the saint and take it. I don't mind some criticism. I even promote it at times and try to listen to it and see if I can improve. But I don't find the unreasonable demands and complaints likable whatsoever. And I do believe I have the right to express so sometimes.