He treats his family badly. They already lost 2 kids before issei and now he just steals their car and dissapears into the Woods for 7-8 months without informing them or anything. Next, he decides to visit his home Just to get some supplies... Like, cmon Man. I know issei was bad in the anime but he was a great character in the Light novel. He is spose to be a grown up yet he acts like an emo kid.
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LIKEWould you hurt a random mom and dad even if you know they are good People? Being cold and calculative doesnt means he is heartless or unempethatic. He could be cold but, Just for the kid, you can at least notify the family one Last time. It doesnt matter if he is their son or not. Thats what you dont get.
Who cares if they are good, evil, or innocent. That does not matter to Mark. Mark is a ruthless killer with no care for who he hurts or kills.
Then why don't you just let the MC act like one? He seems mentally incapable when he still needed to go back to the house instead of using his so-called "killer knowlwdge" to obtain his own supply.
There is a very good reason for his knoledge to not be very useful. durring his run as a assasin he was active from 2040-2070. His knowledge was based on that time period with more advanced tech. Plus, why take the hard route when you got it easy bu stealing the thing he needed.
One Just ends others without feeling sympathy towards the person they kill, other doesnt feels sympathy towards everyone. Killing is better because the prey stops feeling anything, other one is worse because they constantly feel bad emotions and possibly kill themselfs
I dont know about being cold or calculating but as a 68 year old assassin who took over a 16 year old kids body, would you really care enough to mingle with them when the MC doesnt want to? Kinda forced no? So him going away, and going to america was something i enjoyed. Something different from the usual dxd fanfic.
I dont mind that. The thing I mind is that he treats isseis family badly. Even if he doesnt cares, a little humanity never hurt anybody. He left them for months after he stole their car then he went back to house Just to steal some stuff. Thats not a cold killer, thats just being a b*stard
you're wasting time, it must be a 14 year old kid who thinks a personality like that is cool.
I can understand that. I feel like a note for the parents and it would have been good enough but author’s choice i guess.
well the author said mc wouldn't care about people not related to MC. huh, looks like he forgot that the MC's "body" still has a flesh and blood relation to the body the MC "stole". what a hypocritical statement. I doubt, the writer never felt the warmth of the family. and the story is his release for it. really pity.