The story has a good premise, but sadly the plain mc, which you can confuse for an passerby makes it boring. And the story developement is sometimes illogically forced.
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LIKEI agree mostly with this review, but this is coming from only the beginning of chapter 14 so I don't know if it gets any better from there. examples of weird plot, It's not necessarily forced but there's better ways to do this. starting with the few beginning chapters of The characters introduction of the world was a bit fast-paced with no real details on who we are dealing with whether it's will or cloud. we only know the basics of street urchin, and old otaku guy. not really a good way to introduce his character in my opinion, there's nothing attaching me to this guy or making me root for him. The first monster taming is so easy and simple. there are a ton of details you've glossed over to make it at least a bit more believable. The training of the monsters, we have no real frame of reference about how others train monsters (at least in this part of the book which I feel should have been tackled first) and the ease of how the main character does it. there's no real difficulty it seems and it ends up being really frustrating. at least from here it doesn't ever feel like he's going to lose to someone the same power level as him making it kind of boring, and if he's going to be an overpowered MC there's no real entertainment because his character is so bland. Just overall it seems really cliche and really predictable. that doesn't mean it's bad, It's a fun little read if you have nothing else but it sucks because it has so much potential to be better.
Thanks for pointing some of them out! Regarding it being fast paced, that was intentional 😅I was trying to avoid info dumps so it ended up like that 🤣 Reflecting on it rn 👍