
Review Detail of Mysterious_Lord in Marvel-ous Ninjutsu

Review detail


*Sigh* My first review in Webnovel and it's for a story that eventually disappointed me. And very terribly at that. Shame, I was really hoping my first review would be a perfect 5 star. I guess we don't get what we always want. Anyways, on to the review. First of all, Great story. The grammars great, plot very slow (According to some readers) but not slow enough to bore me. Comedy is really great in this story and it doesn't take away the serious factor away from it so I guess that's good. (Trust me, it's really funny sometimes. Made me even laugh sometimes.) We also see small, yet noticeable progress in the MC's powers and even though they're quite weak compared to some people out there and the gods (Eternity, Death, Living Tribunal etc), they're still powerful. I guess it's my fault for still pushing myself to read the story despite seeing this red flag. I tend to dislike it when the MC doesnt have power that could possibly make him the strongest person in the world or universe but i somehow went past that and kept reading the story. The well-written part of the story must have been the cause but I suppose it doesn't really matter. What really ruined the story for me and the main cause for my low review is simply because, like many readers out there, I ABSOLUTELY h*te it when the MC reveals his reincarnated status to others. I don't care if it's to family, love interest that he's eventually gonna marry or enemies but if the MC reveals his Past Life to others and tells them about how they lived their life or whatnot, i instantly drop. I'm sorry but I can't stand that. It rubs me the wrong way. (There really should be a tag or warning for this to save readers like me the trouble.) It's a mystery how I was able to continue reading this story and still enjoy it despite seeing the clues the author was leaving that all pointed out to the fact that the author was eventually gonna do something that would irritate me to no end. For one, the possibility of other reincarnators joining him in his world (It's not confirmed but the author certainly doesn't seem to be against it. If I'm wrong, so be it.) That should have automatically stopped me right there and then and made me just throw the book away from my library but I still kept on reading, enjoying the story despite that shortcoming. The weak power of Naruto in the world was the second flag but I somehow still read past that. And the final flag was when the MC admitted that he might just tell someone that he's reincarnated. Again, like before, I still read. (Some magic was definitely going on here.) But I think what finally snapped me out of my trance was revealing to others that he was reincarnated and giving a thorough yet sad explanation of his past life to the Ancient One. (This meeting with the Ancient One so early in the story was actually pretty cliche now that I think about it.) I'm sorry but that ends things for me there. So if you're someone who can't stand authors that break one of the sacred rules of reincarnation, then don't read this. You'll only end up p*ssed like I was. Anyways, it's still an amazing story despite these frustrations. As long as you can move past them, I'm sure you will enjoy the story. Great story author, I expected more since I thought we had the same thought process when you said you had a list of things you don't like to see in fanfics but it seems I was wrong. I would love to give this story a higher review considering the quality of writing and grammar but unfortunately, that telling everyone about his reincarnation just ruined it for me. Wish you luck author.

Marvel-ous Ninjutsu


Liked by 116 people




thank you for your sacrifice comrade, you shall be remembered as the bravest of them all.


First off thanks for the review. I would like to say that for me, I have never had an issue with people who reveal stuff like that. As long as it is done in a good way. I have a lot of thought that went into how and why that scene went that way and only a handful of people have disliked it. I hope you find a good story that you enjoy and that doesn't get dropped by the author. Good luck, no hard feelings.


i agree and thanks for saving me


I too dislike when protagonists reveal they reincarnated, your review has come in handy. Thank you


It is restarted to tell people of your past life. It is not needed at all. Idk why authors think they should tell others, it’s stupid to me honestly

Pewpewcachoo:First off thanks for the review. I would like to say that for me, I have never had an issue with people who reveal stuff like that. As long as it is done in a good way. I have a lot of thought that went into how and why that scene went that way and only a handful of people have disliked it. I hope you find a good story that you enjoy and that doesn't get dropped by the author. Good luck, no hard feelings.

when you're someone's who reincarnated, the first unwritten rule would be keeping the secret to your graves, especially since you reincarnated in marvel. You know how many powerful beings in marvel, especially those that govern soul and such.


He broken the sacred rule!?


Thanks for saving me.


The one thing I hate about Webnovel is reviews like this. People review bombing novels not because of the quality of writing but simply due to the fact that it wasn’t the type of novel they wanted.


For having no hard feelings, you have my

Pewpewcachoo:First off thanks for the review. I would like to say that for me, I have never had an issue with people who reveal stuff like that. As long as it is done in a good way. I have a lot of thought that went into how and why that scene went that way and only a handful of people have disliked it. I hope you find a good story that you enjoy and that doesn't get dropped by the author. Good luck, no hard feelings.

As long as the revealis done well and the MC has a good enough reason I don't mind. Besides the MC knowing all that he knows and letting other's know what he knows is a big part of the story that's how he gathers his comrades.


only takes 1 such being to travel back in time and wipe his weaker version from existing and due to certain beings being immune to timeline changes affecting them it seriously mess things up

Insane_Fantasy:when you're someone's who reincarnated, the first unwritten rule would be keeping the secret to your graves, especially since you reincarnated in marvel. You know how many powerful beings in marvel, especially those that govern soul and such.

so we aren't allowed to dislike things or to show our dislike of things. that's fascism

Mase_Okiti:The one thing I hate about Webnovel is reviews like this. People review bombing novels not because of the quality of writing but simply due to the fact that it wasn’t the type of novel they wanted.