
Review Detail of Zetsway in Game of Thrones X Asgardian MCU [Dropped]

Review detail


The idea is there, and the story shows premise. There is also a good pace in the way things are moving. Sadly, this has some bad points. First, the writing is all over the place. The author makes chapters just to ask for votes or recap what happened in earlier chapters. He also makes comments(in story) that break immersion. sadly, I felt like I was getting immersed in the story then, bam, something broke it. Let's not say about the chapter where he had different cheats and we were told in a paragraph that he decided to change them. Another thing is how the characters in Got just go with the MC. Maybe it's some sort of power but I didn't get it. Lastly, I dislike way the ROB forces the MC even after he transmigrated. Especially when the ROB said that he could go anything.

Game of Thrones X Asgardian MCU [Dropped]


Liked by 7 people




Thanks for the review, I acted on it. Deleted all the wasteful chaps, editing out the part where there I am asking out for comments and votes. As for my comments on the story, they are without spoilers cause I like watching people comment on this, so that is not gonna change. The cheats I initially gave were very, very confusing and illogical and I could not go on with them for more than 20 chaps. For how Rickard Stark just got along with MC so easily, that was a plot hole, but the easiest excuse I could give is because of his gold aura. And finally, Rob forcing him is a part of the plot, I can't change it cause I have got plans for it. Also, the last 3 chaps are the edited version of the story, I can't go to each and edit them separately, that was too boring for me to do, so I compiled the story and edited it in one go and posted in form of 3 chaps. Thank you.