2023-02-28 23:40

We got a rare treat here everyone! This entire universe is based on the game Stellaris. How do I know? I peaked into the raws, and on Chapter 53 the author mentions it. Author isn't even hiding it at that point. There's also tons of parallels as well. If you play the game, you know. If you don't, that's ok you don't have to. The translator needs to step up their game. I can see Google translate at work here. It is also obvious that the translator doesn't play Stellaris as well, so some of the meaning gets lost in translating. Some words for example. Galaxy -> Star Sector Idealistic Empire -> Ascended Empire Lost Empire -> Fallen Empire It seems the author updates 2 chapters a day. RAW: 穿越成为失落文明的监护AI

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galaxy is star system not sector and idealistic are the spiritualists not ascended.

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