I had no expectations when I started reading this story, as I had never seen a live-action show based story go well before. However, to my surprise, it exceeded my expectations. The story combines multiple worlds seamlessly without compromising logic. The introduction of each world is slow and natural, making it difficult to discern how many shows are in this world. The main character has a unique and entertaining personality, although he is a bit too perfect for my taste as he always seems to be in control. Nonetheless, it's a minor issue. The strongest point of the story is the romance. The relationships are natural and organic, with nothing feeling forced. The pace is just right, and I loved all of the relationships, whether they worked or not. The gacha system was introduced masterfully, avoiding the usual tropes that tend to make characters either overpowered or underwhelming. The gacha system works within the constraints of the story, and even when the MC improves, he remains believable. Overall, I give this story a solid 9/10.
Liked by 186 people
LIKEI had no expectations when I started reading this story, as I had never seen a live-action show based story go well before. However, to my surprise, it exceeded my expectations. The story combines multiple worlds seamlessly without compromising logic. The introduction of each world is slow and natural, making it difficult to discern how many shows are in this world. The main character has a unique and entertaining personality, although he is a bit too perfect for my taste as he always seems to be in control. Nonetheless, it's a minor issue. The strongest point of the story is the romance. The relationships are natural and organic, with nothing feeling forced. The pace is just right, and I loved all of the relationships, whether they worked or not. The gacha system was introduced masterfully, avoiding the usual tropes that tend to make characters either overpowered or underwhelming. The gacha system works within the constraints of the story, and even when the MC improves, he remains believable. Overall, I give this story a solid 9/10.
Me preguntó que quería decir??? Romper una relación, se divide en, buena ruptura, mala ruptura, y ruptura indiferente, talvez el está hablando de la última? Cuando una pareja en realidad no está enamorada, romper su relación tendría el mismo impacto que comer tu cena o beber agua, no habría ningún cambio emocional, sería lo mismo que decirle buen dia y adiós a una persona al azar, muchas relaciones son asi hoy en día, solo salen debido a "porque es popular", "porque esta buena", "es lo que hay", y por lo tanto, solo terminan y ya, eso es una ruptura indiferente, que viene de lo que creo, quería decir el de arriba, pobre...
ydoBoN:I don't understand what you are saying