2023-01-10 20:37

This story started out great but after the first 40 chapters it becomes an IQ reducing waste of time. The protagonist is the weakest and most indecisive character in the book! He makes all the wrong decisions and falls for the same trick more than three times. He doesn't think rationally and the only time he takes action is the go on rampage AFTER his girlfriend has already been hurt.

Liked by 11 people


Mc Trained in chapters 200+ There is cultivation of internal energy here

Other Reviews

Do not get started. Story is pretty interesting but characters and setting are uneven. It is set in an alternative United States, NY where Businesses, Mafia, Government, and Karate people rule. Writing is often uneven. Events change sometimes, numbers change sometimes between chapters. Have to just let changes to characters or events not get to you. Alex is smart and dumb depending. He usually makes bad choices. He purposely lets situations get out of hand or goads people to hate/berate him. Gets a bit tedious at points as important part of living in society is publicly berating 'poor' people or people who dress normally, over and over and over. The story abruptly ends at 748 'golden eggs' and becomes new story at 749 'underground' with just Alex and cosmic karma magic realms with continuous tedious fights and new cardboard characters that you won't care about. It then ends up with Alex being an infinite-universes/multiverses timeline watcher/Fate and Alex messes around with different timelines for a while. He gets bored along with the reader, then literally jumps into a new timeline/universe where he forgets everything except what the new-timeline Alex knows. Its a different story starting at 886 'back to earth' with womanizing Alex with dramatic Debbie and (Yvonne since when?). Everyone is sleeping around and no one is really the same - liked the horse though - only character with real character. If you start the series at all, Stop reading/listening at 749. Gets tedious and story gets even more unsequenced and unbalanced after that.

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