
Review Detail of NowGoWithTheFlow in GOT/ASOIAF: Break the Wheel

Review detail


To be honest I was confused the whole time. I read around 10 chapters and watch the movies so I should know a lot but still got confused. Who's the MC because I don't know. Author shifts the perspective to much that you don't know who's who. It's basically a time chart with only important events for each year. I wanted to give a lower score but I couldn't because I didn't know how to score this. Also author when does the book start?

GOT/ASOIAF: Break the Wheel


Liked by 31 people




Instead of starting the fic at 14 years old or having a time skip from his birth to 14 years old I did exactly as you said and showed him growing up and important events around the world. The real 'start' is at chapter 25ish and locks more into Eragons POV, the fact that you are basing your scoring off me building a world up and not just jumping around like a chicken with my head cut off to get to the 'canon' for a fan fic is kind of wild on your part to be honest. Fan Fic don't have to follow Canon or even remotely be similar, that's the point of it being a Fan Fic as I am the fan and this is a fic I am writing.


I don't know why you mention the last part, well I totally agree about a fanfic to be different. An that wasn't what I was writing about. I really was confused when reading. First because of the shifting perspective to much, second because I couldn't relate to any character because they only get a short mention. Also Thanks for responding to my question.

Pretending_Author:Instead of starting the fic at 14 years old or having a time skip from his birth to 14 years old I did exactly as you said and showed him growing up and important events around the world. The real 'start' is at chapter 25ish and locks more into Eragons POV, the fact that you are basing your scoring off me building a world up and not just jumping around like a chicken with my head cut off to get to the 'canon' for a fan fic is kind of wild on your part to be honest. Fan Fic don't have to follow Canon or even remotely be similar, that's the point of it being a Fan Fic as I am the fan and this is a fic I am writing.

can i jump to chapter 25, it's possible? or it will be more confusing? because i'm really confuse but i want to read

Pretending_Author:Instead of starting the fic at 14 years old or having a time skip from his birth to 14 years old I did exactly as you said and showed him growing up and important events around the world. The real 'start' is at chapter 25ish and locks more into Eragons POV, the fact that you are basing your scoring off me building a world up and not just jumping around like a chicken with my head cut off to get to the 'canon' for a fan fic is kind of wild on your part to be honest. Fan Fic don't have to follow Canon or even remotely be similar, that's the point of it being a Fan Fic as I am the fan and this is a fic I am writing.

Nah I agree with the guy I had no clue who was who for the longest due to the names being similar and the multiple pov’s heck 53 chapters in i still barely know who’s who it’s bad

Pretending_Author:Instead of starting the fic at 14 years old or having a time skip from his birth to 14 years old I did exactly as you said and showed him growing up and important events around the world. The real 'start' is at chapter 25ish and locks more into Eragons POV, the fact that you are basing your scoring off me building a world up and not just jumping around like a chicken with my head cut off to get to the 'canon' for a fan fic is kind of wild on your part to be honest. Fan Fic don't have to follow Canon or even remotely be similar, that's the point of it being a Fan Fic as I am the fan and this is a fic I am writing.

Nah I agree with the guy I had no clue who was who for the longest due to the names being similar and the multiple pov’s heck 53 chapters in i still barely know who’s who it’s bad

Pretending_Author:Instead of starting the fic at 14 years old or having a time skip from his birth to 14 years old I did exactly as you said and showed him growing up and important events around the world. The real 'start' is at chapter 25ish and locks more into Eragons POV, the fact that you are basing your scoring off me building a world up and not just jumping around like a chicken with my head cut off to get to the 'canon' for a fan fic is kind of wild on your part to be honest. Fan Fic don't have to follow Canon or even remotely be similar, that's the point of it being a Fan Fic as I am the fan and this is a fic I am writing.

I cant make everyone happy, I am not your father and cant spoon feed you everything. The people that I comment and talk with every day I post have no problem and its likely because they actually know the source material and you don't. You commented almost every chapter and made it abundantly clear you have no clue about the source material and that is not my problem and seems more like a skill issue.

Worn_out_by:Nah I agree with the guy I had no clue who was who for the longest due to the names being similar and the multiple pov’s heck 53 chapters in i still barely know who’s who it’s bad

don't worry I will keep pushing forward an read this slowly. I will try to finished reading all of this but it will be off an on.


Mc oc or Mc si?

Pretending_Author:I cant make everyone happy, I am not your father and cant spoon feed you everything. The people that I comment and talk with every day I post have no problem and its likely because they actually know the source material and you don't. You commented almost every chapter and made it abundantly clear you have no clue about the source material and that is not my problem and seems more like a skill issue.

I think this would be classified as a SI but the body the person is inserted into is a person who died during birth so maybe it could also count as OC?

Bob_Uchiha_XD:Mc oc or Mc si?

Bro if your story is confusing is your fault no one else’s as you are the one writing it, to just say it Is a skill issue is the height of arrogance From reading the reviews and your responses to them it has become abundantly clear that you can’t take criticism for the life of ya and you blame the reader for not understanding when your story is confusing which is again just plain arrogance

Pretending_Author:I cant make everyone happy, I am not your father and cant spoon feed you everything. The people that I comment and talk with every day I post have no problem and its likely because they actually know the source material and you don't. You commented almost every chapter and made it abundantly clear you have no clue about the source material and that is not my problem and seems more like a skill issue.

That's fine, post a story somewhat consistently before giving me any more of your opinions on being a fan fic writer.

John_Ryan_8278:Bro if your story is confusing is your fault no one else’s as you are the one writing it, to just say it Is a skill issue is the height of arrogance From reading the reviews and your responses to them it has become abundantly clear that you can’t take criticism for the life of ya and you blame the reader for not understanding when your story is confusing which is again just plain arrogance

what's with the arrogance you can't even write a story properly at least they know what they can or can't do😂 , you sir should take your own advice and learn how to write a story first before you go around acting like spoiled child who thinks he's grrm😂 or better yet don't write one at all 🤷‍♂️.

Pretending_Author:That's fine, post a story somewhat consistently before giving me any more of your opinions on being a fan fic writer.