
Review Detail of faucheusestar in One Piece: Dream of Immortality

Review detail


It's a straw hat fic! if you like fanfiction that starts well with a character who has his own adventures. the beginning is good but after she joins luffy I would have liked to know it before not to read it so I put it here for those like me who do not like this type of story

One Piece: Dream of Immortality


Liked by 18 people




Sadly most OP fic is filled with dog licking MC's who love joining rubberboy than create their own better pirate crew, it makes me sick 🤮


atlest she act more like a mentor than a subordinate

Red_Hawk1:Sadly most OP fic is filled with dog licking MC's who love joining rubberboy than create their own better pirate crew, it makes me sick 🤮

Who acts like a mentor? OwO

shillbear:atlest she act more like a mentor than a subordinate


Red_Hawk1:Who acts like a mentor? OwO

But why? It won't benefit her in any way, but as long as she's happy


she met straw hat she felt fate make her come with them she tried get awey befor conection get to strong she fails and get dragged along as she stronger than luffy and smarter she advise him and somwhat a mentor role now it was hinted that she want to break the fate thing but we dont know what author have planned

Red_Hawk1:But why? It won't benefit her in any way, but as long as she's happy

If she wants to break fate, the best option is quite easy, get rid of the one producing the said fate, meaning Luffy, kill him not help him

shillbear:she met straw hat she felt fate make her come with them she tried get awey befor conection get to strong she fails and get dragged along as she stronger than luffy and smarter she advise him and somwhat a mentor role now it was hinted that she want to break the fate thing but we dont know what author have planned

you know chinene manhua when somone ovepowered try to kill mc amd then they fail and eventualh mc defet them thats why this novelle is filled with chomese tropes like that

Red_Hawk1:If she wants to break fate, the best option is quite easy, get rid of the one producing the said fate, meaning Luffy, kill him not help him

Oh dear, that's sad, thanks for the warning, and it's pretty obvious Luffy will always win after a few losses, and he won't die, because he's the child of fate.

shillbear:you know chinene manhua when somone ovepowered try to kill mc amd then they fail and eventualh mc defet them thats why this novelle is filled with chomese tropes like that

Why should he kill Luffy? She isn’ t a pyscho, you are pretty weird man.

Red_Hawk1:If she wants to break fate, the best option is quite easy, get rid of the one producing the said fate, meaning Luffy, kill him not help him

Did you not read the comment? To break the fate of her helping them against her will

Simone007:Why should he kill Luffy? She isn’ t a pyscho, you are pretty weird man.

As a one piece fan, I can't imagine Luffy accepting advise from the MC. It's out of his character IMO.

shillbear:she met straw hat she felt fate make her come with them she tried get awey befor conection get to strong she fails and get dragged along as she stronger than luffy and smarter she advise him and somwhat a mentor role now it was hinted that she want to break the fate thing but we dont know what author have planned

it kinda seems like she started to enjoy her time with him tho and decided to just join in I mean it's not like she would be doing much better on her own and she would probably end up a solo like her dad also Robin is on the crew which is the love interest so

shillbear:she met straw hat she felt fate make her come with them she tried get awey befor conection get to strong she fails and get dragged along as she stronger than luffy and smarter she advise him and somwhat a mentor role now it was hinted that she want to break the fate thing but we dont know what author have planned

I don’t mind Strawhat fics as long as the MC isn’t nerfed solely because Luffy as Captain has to be the strongest. I don’t mind Luffy being the strongest if he trains & works towards it because Luffy has INSANE potentional and it’s very believable that if a MC joins the crew an trains Luffy that he will become VERY VERY strong very quickly.