
Review Detail of IamBoredGuy in I, Your Father, Carry a Big Stick

Review detail


First of all, I apologize for being a filthy casual. I know how the system works and just reading your work and not contributing to it's success is just selfish. Have my stones from now on. Anyway, this is a review in the form of a rant so I'll give it to you straight. Writing is good, characters isn't one dimensional but the problem I have is your rep and the tone of the story. You know what type of people use this app, so you know their preferences. Even a minor slight against your MC will get you hounded and they'll say things like 'NTR!' even though the MC clearly has no interest in the Heroine. But, that's just how it is. No matter how much you say it isn't a self-insert, for you, it's not, but for the readers, it is. I suggest that you just find a balance where you write what you want and the readers want so everyone is happy. You have a reputation to uphold too, why tf are you limiting yourself and saying bs like 3 members in the harem when you did like a million in your successful fanfic. Live up to your rep my guy, if the readers want all the girls in the harem, then put them all in, you got the skills for it, right? I'm not really interested in harems but your skills in bringing characters to life is so phenomenal that it got me invested in your story. Just change the tone or something, make it a 'regret' type where the heroine finally realizes the MC's worth, and call it a day. Ps. I was surprised by the way Naruto gave up on Sakura so quickly to be honest, even tho he chased after her the whole series. P.P.S. Don't stop when you already got the ball rolling. P.P.P.S. Sorry for the one star, it attracts more attention than five stars anyway. Five stars all the way.

I, Your Father, Carry a Big Stick


Liked by 87 people




Not sure how I feel about this review...however, you do make some fair points, even if most aren't directly related to the novel...


Yeah, I have my own agendas. I recently read a novel where the heroines regret betraying the MC and saw a possiblity in your fic. Thought it would be a good plot, idk.

Einlion:Not sure how I feel about this review...however, you do make some fair points, even if most aren't directly related to the novel...

with there being only 30 reviews i don't see why you need more attention Ein would read it anyway... unless its the attention from readers because i was about rant until i read everything you said xD while i agree pandering to some extent to the readers can be good the Mc of this story may not be the best one to have a harem bigger than 10 xD also just because mayority says something doesn't mean we have to follow it xD


Just setting up expectations. The author has a rep for creating harem, and majority of his fans expect it. So when he said it's only 3 girls(And he spoiled who they were), I decided to give him some push and just accept his destiny as a harem author. I don't see any problem with it either way cause he knows what he's doing.

Gutek_YT:with there being only 30 reviews i don't see why you need more attention Ein would read it anyway... unless its the attention from readers because i was about rant until i read everything you said xD while i agree pandering to some extent to the readers can be good the Mc of this story may not be the best one to have a harem bigger than 10 xD also just because mayority says something doesn't mean we have to follow it xD

there is no understanding the people on this site. most level 4 and above has the same level of comprehension as a koala. I never read Endless Paths since I was personally turned off by it since I dont care for the romance in story usually, the only reason I feel disdain for harem is that it ruins novels. the only Fic by this author Ive truly enjoyed is Maintaining The Balance.


reviews on this site can't be trusted most of the time since most lvl 1 are either a dummy acc of some author or just a harem lover and don't even care for the plot, and most lvl 3 or 4 are narrow minded people, lvl 5,6 and 7 are the veterans they know most author who writes well and focuses on the plot when making a review

Kevin_Pollard:there is no understanding the people on this site. most level 4 and above has the same level of comprehension as a koala. I never read Endless Paths since I was personally turned off by it since I dont care for the romance in story usually, the only reason I feel disdain for harem is that it ruins novels. the only Fic by this author Ive truly enjoyed is Maintaining The Balance.

thats pretty accurate

KING_IN_YELLOW:reviews on this site can't be trusted most of the time since most lvl 1 are either a dummy acc of some author or just a harem lover and don't even care for the plot, and most lvl 3 or 4 are narrow minded people, lvl 5,6 and 7 are the veterans they know most author who writes well and focuses on the plot when making a review

And you people are like what, less than 1% of the population here?

Kevin_Pollard:there is no understanding the people on this site. most level 4 and above has the same level of comprehension as a koala. I never read Endless Paths since I was personally turned off by it since I dont care for the romance in story usually, the only reason I feel disdain for harem is that it ruins novels. the only Fic by this author Ive truly enjoyed is Maintaining The Balance.

I would like to hope its not that low.

Stray99th:And you people are like what, less than 1% of the population here?

As another writer I can tell this review is BS, who do you think you are to tell the author how to write his story? he has to put all the heroines in the harem because you say so? If I was Ein I would have deleted this review, it does not say anything constructive about the story aside from the grammar check, trash. Not only that but also gives one star for no reason.


This is why you'll never be a successful. If you ever are let me know how wrong I was.

Photosphere:As another writer I can tell this review is BS, who do you think you are to tell the author how to write his story? he has to put all the heroines in the harem because you say so? If I was Ein I would have deleted this review, it does not say anything constructive about the story aside from the grammar check, trash. Not only that but also gives one star for no reason.

Lol, if I’m I don’t think I’l remember you

DeusaderVulting:This is why you'll never be a successful. If you ever are let me know how wrong I was.

First time seeing someone with this much of a superiority complex on wn ngl.

Kevin_Pollard:there is no understanding the people on this site. most level 4 and above has the same level of comprehension as a koala. I never read Endless Paths since I was personally turned off by it since I dont care for the romance in story usually, the only reason I feel disdain for harem is that it ruins novels. the only Fic by this author Ive truly enjoyed is Maintaining The Balance.

superior of what? I just started my opinion.

ManOfCulture69420:First time seeing someone with this much of a superiority complex on wn ngl.

Superior cause in your opinion you are better than most of the people on this site lol💀

Kevin_Pollard:superior of what? I just started my opinion.

have you even read the comments of people here.

ManOfCulture69420:Superior cause in your opinion you are better than most of the people on this site lol💀

Some not all, I'm here to read story not chapters lol

Kevin_Pollard:have you even read the comments of people here.

It depends on his reason for writing. If he writes to get lots of fans and reviews, etc. then what you say is correct. But if he's writing for fun, then you're wrong - why would someone who is writing for fun change their story to something they don't enjoy writing?


IamBoredGuy:Yeah, I have my own agendas. I recently read a novel where the heroines regret betraying the MC and saw a possiblity in your fic. Thought it would be a good plot, idk.