The MC instantly getting along with everyone for no reason, coupled with how annoying his character sounds makes me wanna bleach my eyes with how cringe this trash is. This site needs a delete ASAP rating exactly because garbage like this fanfic exists. Also, the timeline is all over the place, not to mention the writer intentionally mix' it up because, and I qoute, "It's more fun". You know what else is fun, author? Rounding up braindead mollusks like you (who thinks posting your cursed work sounds like a good idea) and burning you all in one giant camp fire. The least you idyeeeets can do is make us people with common sense feel warm for the night.
Liked by 16 people
LIKEMy guy, it's a joke, relax. I'm providing free content to people who want it, you don't even have to pay. I don't understand where this rage comes from, I never said I was some godlike author who will make you enjoy my book. If you do, great, if you don't, then I'm sorry but there is nothing I can do about that. I hope you find other FREE entertainment on this site from better authors and have a good time, but I don't see why you feel the need to bash me so badly because my work isn't suited to your taste. :)
Eurynomos:You know how to spell your main defining characteristic. Good for you. And thanks for showing me that the word isn't censored, idiot. I'll be sure to make use of that fact.