This story is really interesting and has a real potential to be a great story. I love the lead characters so far and the story has me hooked. This is just a helpful suggestion because I like the story so much. I do not mean to insult the author's writing in any way. My suggestion to the author would be to get the help of an editor. There are no major issues, but there are some spelling and name switching issues here and there which is no biggie.The flow of the story gets confusing sometimes because some chapters feel out of order or missing some scenes which confused me a couple of times thinking I skiped a page somewhere. And sometimes, the character scene changes abruptly to new characters on a different day or different place with no warning making it confusing. For example the scene will be about what's going on with Min You, then suddenly after a few paragraphs we are reading about what Ning Xi is the next day or at work. There needs to be some kind of scene transition. It would also be wonderful if you can give us tiny bits of the character's backgrounds and history along the way. As it is now I'm at around chapter 60 but the characters are all still pretty mysterious because there has been very little of their backgrounds exposed. I love the story and wish the author all the best. Regardless, if my advice is taken or not I'll still continue to read it and support this great story.
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