
Review Detail of Demonzor in Aden Strong: Avatar In DC

Review detail


The story is pretty basic and average there’s nothing special bout it it’s like most dc fanfic what makes it bad for me though is the mc theres nothing that makes me wanna read bout him

Aden Strong: Avatar In DC


Liked by 104 people




He is right mc is like every other mc no maybe dumber


here it is boys


Stop that this story is special .... the mc is a drugy not much of those in webnovels. Hope you like the joke.


So you did not read in the last 7 months any good book? Quite amusing in my eyes when you rate someone else's work low but never read the book long and never(there I can be wrong) give good reviews (above 3 stars). So you say every work of a person, who really want to tell a story, their own story, who are not professionals deserve a bad - ok rating. I think your just a sad person who cant be Satisfied by anything and just ramble and let this dissatisfaction out on other people. And iam just a bystander who is not even very good in English. So congratulations. Well done


Just cause I haven’t found a good book on webnovel doesnt mean I haven’t read any plus there have been some books that are ok

Simon_Gersbach:So you did not read in the last 7 months any good book? Quite amusing in my eyes when you rate someone else's work low but never read the book long and never(there I can be wrong) give good reviews (above 3 stars). So you say every work of a person, who really want to tell a story, their own story, who are not professionals deserve a bad - ok rating. I think your just a sad person who cant be Satisfied by anything and just ramble and let this dissatisfaction out on other people. And iam just a bystander who is not even very good in English. So congratulations. Well done

The probably only read on this site 90 of this site novel are bad

Demonzor:Just cause I haven’t found a good book on webnovel doesnt mean I haven’t read any plus there have been some books that are ok

Demonzor is just a paid sp-am-mer that has only one job to ha-ra-ss great fanfics. He is doing this constantly and repeatedly. ---- Cause one bad review by the same person is not enough... You need to copy paste it multiple times...


😂I’m a paid spammer cause I wrote how I felt about a couple stories what’s the point of thinking of something new to write when it’ the exact same reson

LemonZawodowiec:Demonzor is just a paid sp-am-mer that has only one job to ha-ra-ss great fanfics. He is doing this constantly and repeatedly. ---- Cause one bad review by the same person is not enough... You need to copy paste it multiple times...

Demonzor can you recommend some of the books you thought were ok or good in your opinion I just need something to read and well who better than to ask a person who barely has any good ones?


Enter demoniozor's profile and you will see that all his reviews are negative. So, it is obvious that he is someone who likes to screw others. (google translate) XD


I mean if you consider 3 and 4 stars bad then I do but I consider 3 okay and 4 stars decent so

Edwin5481297:Enter demoniozor's profile and you will see that all his reviews are negative. So, it is obvious that he is someone who likes to screw others. (google translate) XD

Ah yes mr paid actor. Mr. Everything on webnovel is bad.


Most of your reviews are 2-3 stars. On some good novels as well 💀 #troll

Demonzor:I mean if you consider 3 and 4 stars bad then I do but I consider 3 okay and 4 stars decent so

I mean first I never said everything on webnovel is bad if that’ what you got from what I wrote then I can see why you like this and second I said there aren’t that many good dc fanfics

TheMotherLand:Ah yes mr paid actor. Mr. Everything on webnovel is bad.

I mean if I don’t like a story I tell the author what I felt was wrong with it and just cause you think something is good doesn’ mean everyone else does

TheMotherLand:Most of your reviews are 2-3 stars. On some good novels as well 💀 #troll

I didn’t say this story was good did I now? I didn’t even express my like or dislike for it either.

Demonzor:I mean if I don’t like a story I tell the author what I felt was wrong with it and just cause you think something is good doesn’ mean everyone else does

I never said that you did you said I wrote bad reviews on sum good stories and just cuz you think a story is good doesn’t mean I do

TheMotherLand:I didn’t say this story was good did I now? I didn’t even express my like or dislike for it either.

Sanırım bu yorumu kaldırma zamanın geldi. 😁


did you really take the time to search through someone else's comments?? dude you're super pathetic.... go get some fresh air touch some grass and maybe have a conversation with a real life person.... god the creepy stalkery stuff is just disgusting. I'm saying this for your own good kid. GET A LIFE.

TheMotherLand:Most of your reviews are 2-3 stars. On some good novels as well 💀 #troll

Tf? Why is you jumping to conclusions? I just saw some of his reviews on other novels. Hop off my tip lil bro.

THIZZGATOR:did you really take the time to search through someone else's comments?? dude you're super pathetic.... go get some fresh air touch some grass and maybe have a conversation with a real life person.... god the creepy stalkery stuff is just disgusting. I'm saying this for your own good kid. GET A LIFE.