
Review Detail of little_howii in Game of Thrones : The Northern Realms

Review detail


I'm really happy you picked this up🙌, don't be discouraged and keep writing! I hope your own work is better than the original, though. It has longer chapters with fewer grammar mistakes, which is why I’m holding this story up higher than others. Though I wish you’d have rewritten it; everything is just working out too well and too easily for Harry. 5 million gold dragons, a hoard of previously undiscovered mines, unknown-secret-Stark-treasure, canal-creating-earthquakes, unstoppable-loyal-metamorph-assassins, etc. Harry’s already a powerful wizard, he doesn’t really need all that plot armor, or at least not all at once. My advice, more character development and ease up on the ‘sucking-up’. We know he’s great, it’s a little too overworked when repeated over and over just how much. Once in a while, more subtlety, is enough. Also, the chapters with POVs, other than Aryan’s, are the best in my opinion! You’ve showed us what he’s done for the North; more chapters with a bunch of different POVs in each chapter from different lords, heirs/heiresses, and smallfolk will expand the story and make it seem fuller. Cersei, Manderley, Robb, Jon, random northmen, etc. Can’t wait to read your work!

Game of Thrones : The Northern Realms


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Can't bring myself to read this 😂 Harry Potter and game of thrones....


Agreed. Sometimes POV's change the whole perspective of a fic.


We'll try reading 'HP transmigrated into Domeric Bolton'. The best HPxGOT fic in this site.

Desertstorm:Can't bring myself to read this 😂 Harry Potter and game of thrones....

Yeah I'm caught up with the novel so far. I was expecting it to be bar I can't lie but it's was surprising good so far. As for the Bolton fanfic I did read that awhile back and was pretty good.

Newnoob:We'll try reading 'HP transmigrated into Domeric Bolton'. The best HPxGOT fic in this site.