first let me tell you that this review contains spoiler ! is it worth your money ? ( coins ) It depends . If you enjoy stories without harem / romance / then go ahead . It's a gold . If you want a harem tag tagging along then it's a disappointment harem - no there isn't . I'm the type of guy who doesn't read novels if it doesn't have harem tag .. no harem ? drop ! . but the author doesn't come clean about if it contains harem and to find out your self . Remember he doesn't say that it doesn't contains harem and to find out your self .. which is a bait to capture more readers . Personal review - 1 -200 chapters all the mc does is train ,eat , sleep , have a mental breakdown , and the cycle repeats itself . I thought of dropping couple of times but went forward anyway . It's quite irritating at this rate . after chapter 300 it's quite readable and story continues to get interesting . And it made me forgot all the frustration I had previously . I dropped at 402 chapter after the protagonist wants to share about orgin of him and his teacher ( they are from earth ) and about the god to others . It destroyed the full meaning of the story for me and I don't like when the protagonist goes around telling others about his secret / Trump card / system / god / reincarnation etc .. what's the point ? it's the only thing that makes mc unique and, I think people who argue about it are people pleasers . whatever is the case I don't care anymore . . natural review- extremely well detailed story , slow I mean extremely slow story till 300 chapter and later story takes off . Interesting world background . Good updating stability . well though story and characters development . if you can handle till 300 chapters . .. you won't be disappointed .
Liked by 11 people
LIKEi feel like you are being extremely unreasonable i mean i also like a mc who is unique and doesn't share secrets but those secret are not gonna help when you are dead or stuck at the same power level because you were stubborn about not revealing secrets to a confidant plus he revealed it because it was needed to get the person's support and trust.
I'm not being unreasonable 😑 first you need to understand that a novel is a imagination ( etc) of the author . ... author could've make many situations where he doesn't need to reveal his secrets 😶. author found a way to make mc reveal his secrets ... which is successful... and now you are the proof of that... you think that it is or was necessary to reveal his secrets.. where I can think of at least 10 ways to go around that ( progress the plot without revealing his secrets) and those secrets makes the mc a unique character .. like in some novels where mc believes his women 100 percent to reveal his secrets.. which proves to me that the author lacks interaction with women or doesn't have that much experience with women . Because in real life a woman is a emotional creature and I can make any of my cousins / mother / women that I had interactions with , reveal their secrets to me . They would even reveal many things which would astonish us to me after having some conversations... ( I'm not boasting , stay with me till end) Even many of my secrets would get revealed after me trusting some women with it . so from experience I can tell that women's shouldn't get trusted with secrets .. where I had many male friends who would get gladly beaten up for me but won't sell me out .. . I would do same for them .. so when I see a mc in a novel doing things like trusting women so much which is not okay... I can tell that author lacks experience... next - I found that the people who talks much about how much property he has or how many women they slept with.. or just reveals everything about him to me is kinda not good... for example , then I know all the things about him and how he spends his time makes him kinda predictable to me... so when I lose volunteered interest in him. .so if he is mysterious and has a lot of value in him, I'll make friends with him . Now when I thought deeply about it. .. the same thing that aroused his interest in me ... is his value and unpredictable quality . when it comes to a character in a novel, it is the imagination / intelligence/ skills / experience of author that projects into his novel. so when a cringe Japanese beta protagonist goes from earth to another world and starts showing off his cheat/ that goddess send him/ or he is from another world .. and try to gain to win girls, ( and it for some dumb reason works) . . he doesn't have his own hardworking achievement to show... is a huge turn off. there's nothing of him other than his cheat, he is worthless if he was a common character with common power of that world . it would have been great if despite being a common character he got to the top... but it isn't like that. now despite having a cheat if he makes it secret, then it would attract the interest of others. Being mysterious and unpredictable is the key. but typically the mc's goes around sharing their secrets for validation of women and other man . he thinks that it is necessary.. like in real world a guy says - I come from that family or my background is that.. my father is a billionaire etc. but if it remains secret , that gives it a unique charm and keeps interest of the reader's. and in the end they have similar mindset.. in real life or in fictional character . And author could make it that the mc doesn't need to reveal his cheat but author did what he felt is necessary.. like I said in the first comment... I don't like typical beta Japanese kind of mentality in fictional characters... so when I read about him revealing his - reincarnation / system / body possession / etc... it ruins for me because it's the only thing that makes him different from other normal character... imagine a system is given to mc which makes him unique but he is generous so he shares his system with his friends and family members .. he is not unique anymore, is he?
Shang literally never does any of this????
very unfair review. just FYI he kills that friend of his just to keep his for mc being unique. honestly he is one of the most unique mcs in the whole thousands of novel I have read.I am following this novel now as of chapter 937, and the story never fails at getting better and better and more interesting. Sometimes, I will just laugh, pity, feel sad, and hate the mc.Just the fact this novel could make me produce emotions towards a fictional character is beyond impressive (I'm a person who has a heart like a stone, and it is super rare for me to produce any meanfull and strong emotions including and not limited to happiness, anger, sadness, etc...) and this novel did just that.
then you need to go out more and start socializing .. "I'm a person who has heart like a stone ! "you think you are a anime character ? or a fictional character?
I don't think I'm that. It is just a personality trait. Mental illness, if you would like to call it. Also, you are the one who is writing a false and unfair review. So if anyone needs to go out, it should be you because you are making people miss what would have been an amazing read.
ok this is just telling me that you haven't even read the novel, women? no, mc don't got time for that, friends? fk em, dont need em they waste time, family?dont need em, they waste precious time which could be spent training this is the philosophy of the mc that has been through character development which was incredible and which you couldn't sit through and read so dont go around spewing nonsense and reducing the rating of the novel
boo hoo...( I'm crying ) I'm so sad... no one will read what I say on the internet. people ( whose opinion doesn't matter to me ) will not like me ... boo hooo .. waaa... someone who sees and sleeps left and right with women and gets triggered because I read harem , discovered that I have never seen a women without even telling .... boo o hooo..
be happy shang killed every person that knew his secret and after some time even called this move stupid and naive.