I like the descriptive fights however they can become boring after a while. The world background is pretty fleshed out but there seems to be a lot that the Author still haven't shown the readers yet. The process of gaining power is pretty interesting and the explanations are good. It has so many time skips its annoying. There a like 10 time skips for multiple years and dozens of time skips that skip months. I dislike character design of the MC. His thirst for power is just utterly insane, I understand that being his over-arching goal however he just completely removes anything from his life that won't help him in gaining more power. Later on he just becomes a total sociopath. When hiding he kills anyone who enters his general area when he could easily avoid them. He regularly summons and sends hundreds of insane creatures to attack towns (btw they literally hate all living things and actually DESTROY matter/energy, their entire desire is to devour the world) just so he can have up to a 25% increase in his physical ability. A duke sets a bounty on him so he completely destroys the dukes town of over a thousand people. He also has no point for wanting power. He is willing to kill thousands of innocent people, civilians, men, women and children just so he can have pointless power. He doesn't want friendship or luxury or love or ideals. He just wants power cause he hates the feeling of being weak and not in control. His mental age is 38 but his mindset is that of an absolute child.
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LIKEyou just described how the world works, do you really believe that people with power don't have to sacrifice friendship and love in exchange for power? look at the business leaders do you think they don't? of course they sacrifice everything for the fact of feeling superior and having power, not everyone is willing to do it but it does not mean that there are no people who do not want to, those with a child's mentality believe they can achieve everything without sacrificing anything.
This is the same response that Shang gave, after he killed Lash. Your right, if you want something you have to sacrifice something in return, but is the sacrifice worth the return. Shang was sent to this world to help this world but rn all that he’s doing is destroying it. At this point in the story, Shang isn’t the good guy, he’s the villain.
Business people sacrifice their time and relationships in order to make money, they don't literally sacrifice people. That would be a small percentage that actually commit atrocities, atleast in 1st world countries. And that doesn't make it right either, you still can gain power without commiting attrocities it's just harder.
I do believe that people with power have to make sacrifices, but there is a difference between neglecting/sacrificing relationships and slaughtering innocent civilians in his thirst for power. Also those with a child mentality do whatever they want with no/little care for the effects it has on others. Also another thing I dislike is him acting like killing other people is a sacrifice he is making. He isn't making a sacrifice, he is killing people in order to rise to power.
You think all the genocides and wars happening in the world are for fun?
I think you've misunderstood something. I don't know what gave you the idea that Shang was sent to that world to make it better when it has been clearly stated both in the novel description and in the story that the only reason he's there is to entertain the god.
This world was originally suppose to have a rainbow of people with various different abilities and powers, watching these people fight it out was the best entertainment for god but after the mages reached the top they quite literally erased everyone and everything that could pose a threat to mage society, with this not only was the balance of the world broken but with no more wars or fighting the god lost his only form of entertainment, that was the case until the god was able to get a hold of Shang’s soul giving him the duty to bring balance back to the world, the god gave Shang a new identity so that he would forget his old world but also make it easier for him to adapt to this new world though the by-product is the constant internal fighting Shang has with himself which does entertain the god instead of the usual mages fighting but in the end of the day this form of entertainment is but a snack in comparison to the wars the god used to feed on in the past
Yes, the world did have multiple paths in the beginning that were eradicated by the mages. But Shang isn't there to restore balance or something. Excluding the fact that due to his unique affinity, the world is getting destroyed as a side effect of him growing stronger, the god has told him himself that he no longer has to help the other warriors and his only purpose is to entertain him.
i feel like you haven't read the novel he wasn't sent here to help the world, he was sent here to make the world more interesting for it's owner and it is never said that he is a hero???????
Bro you really didn’t read the novel if that’s what you understood so far. He was sent here as entertainment but he was also tasked with the duty of destroying the oppressive, egotistical, and controlling mages. By doing that he would turn the world back into a land of chaos, how the god originally intended. This doesn’t make Shang a hero but that does place him on the side of good. And a side note I dropped this novel at around chapter 650-750 after that I couldn’t handle Shang’s constant internal debates, that stuff was depressing.
It is crazy how everything you dislike is objectively wrong. For example, time skip, he has lived for dozens of thousands of years... there are going to be a lot of time skips. Number two, he is an abomination/child of calamity and he once said "I am the enemy of the world"... can you see now why he is a crazy, and that is just one reason to add to his insanity. Secondly you talked about why he fused with an abomination for a "Minor buff" for things that destroy the world. He WENT over that, they will eventually destroy the world completely, the only way for the world to survive for good is if the child of calamity becomes strong enough to close the gateway.