50 chapter preliminary review WQ: much to be desired for improvement, Google doc could help you fix most if not all errors, example you have a bad tendency not to space after a comma, shorthand I am or I'm to simply am, or you'll capitalize the first name but not the last i.e. John doe vs John Doe. SD: it's a slow build up that often times feels unnecessary. CD: The characters feel 2D, not really descriptive on their features. US: no real issues with updating. WB: it's laid out decently. Going out on a limb I see this is your first novel but it feels like you sampled other people's writings and tried to mesh them together, seeing as how this is your first novel it's OK, but when this story is concluded I encourage you to take some time and find your own style and build off that I've given this recommendation to a few authors and they haven't disappointed, so keep writing bud.
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