
Review Detail of Yuri_is_Ntr in It Started With Devils & Artefacts

Review detail


When I like some novel, I tend to write some fast reviews. To write another with how story proggresed, because that's kind of important. See if story whould make it even better. Unfortunately, that's not exactly the case. There is some very obvious problems. Some minor, some... Might be pretty big. And first of all - yes, a villain tag doesn't work... At all. Probably the most useless tag in this God forsaken place. Oh well. The most glaring problem - it's not dxd story. Not because it's doesn't "follow Canon". But because there is just too little dxd elements in it. It's more like isekai with some dxd girls. And because of this, magic seems to be a lot less intresting. First of all, because it's a tool that we spend a lot time to discuss but have no use. And second, because author just use some very basic ideas, like electro - magnetic induction and somehow magic energy actually follow them... Yeah,no. If magic acts just like another energy, then it's shouldn't be called "magic". That's kind of important, ya know. Either way. I just hope it's whould proggresed at least to some kind of plot. Because right now, it's just a bunch of useless "wish-fulfillment" magic theories with a little bit of girls. But without any kind of story behind it. There is literally nothing more then a guy that summon chicks - that he doesn't need, to do more things - that doesn't have meaning... Not exactly a story, ya know. But, the grammar is fine and autor seems to have at least ideas-so, I kinda believe that later it becomes better. Or not. I tend to believe in a lot of nonsense lately.

It Started With Devils & Artefacts


Liked by 12 people




Right... first of all. What kind of DxD elements? DxD elements is fan service and Shonen power-ups from doing certain things to Rias assets... And you talking about magic as if it has proper explanation in canon DxD. It was left extremely barren and to many interpretations. I already left in the Summary that this fic is about Mc technology progress and how it's going to affect the world around him as the main plot.


So it's literally isekai slice of life with magic mayo.

Dragon15681:Right... first of all. What kind of DxD elements? DxD elements is fan service and Shonen power-ups from doing certain things to Rias assets... And you talking about magic as if it has proper explanation in canon DxD. It was left extremely barren and to many interpretations. I already left in the Summary that this fic is about Mc technology progress and how it's going to affect the world around him as the main plot.

Wait, the **** up, samurai. You used villain tag because mc "enslaved" devils? And that's it? 👀👀👀

Dragon15681:Right... first of all. What kind of DxD elements? DxD elements is fan service and Shonen power-ups from doing certain things to Rias assets... And you talking about magic as if it has proper explanation in canon DxD. It was left extremely barren and to many interpretations. I already left in the Summary that this fic is about Mc technology progress and how it's going to affect the world around him as the main plot.

Wait... for you Isekai is stuff outside Japan? As in Mainland Asia, Africa, Americas, Europe doesn't exist? and there is only Japan? 🤔

Yuri_is_Ntr:So it's literally isekai slice of life with magic mayo.

Nah, he is going to 'end' some people. going to threaten the world with a big space gun. most likely end couple factions. That kind of thing

Yuri_is_Ntr:Wait, the **** up, samurai. You used villain tag because mc "enslaved" devils? And that's it? 👀👀👀

Don't play dumb, we are talking about Troupes.

Dragon15681:Wait... for you Isekai is stuff outside Japan? As in Mainland Asia, Africa, Americas, Europe doesn't exist? and there is only Japan? 🤔

Tropes? He is simply on the other side of the globe doing his thing. Building his stuff. This ain't about Rias or her peerage which are in Japan. We follow his perspective until it starts affecting her life.

Yuri_is_Ntr:Don't play dumb, we are talking about Troupes.

What tropes? In DxD Japan is in no way unique, strongest or somewhat interesting to whole other world. And in no way any influential/powerful being would go to Japan to get in Kuoh’s academy, just to be involved in “plot”. If world has same laws, same characters, same history then it is this world, not some other. If MC doesn’t concentrate on “important” characters, it doesn’t mean it is another world, it means that they are not important to MC. For example Rias is NOT interesting being, she doesn’t have great character for adult inventor, she doesn’t have unique ability or power, she is just lazy spoiled “noble” princess which are hundreds in supernatural world. And if we are talking about “useless” chicks, then ALL of summoned devils have solid reason to be summoned. With only thing I agree with you is that MC is not villain, he is more chaotic neutral/ true neutral. About energy, everything is an energy and you can change one type of energy to another, so why can’t Marcus just create infinite amount of electricity and transform it into magic.

Yuri_is_Ntr:Don't play dumb, we are talking about Troupes.

I am not going to even read. With last paragraph you already showed that this conversation is pointless. Think Carl think. Why magic could do everything but electricity only whery specific actions, maybe they are different? And should act differently? Think!

hyfoxus:What tropes? In DxD Japan is in no way unique, strongest or somewhat interesting to whole other world. And in no way any influential/powerful being would go to Japan to get in Kuoh’s academy, just to be involved in “plot”. If world has same laws, same characters, same history then it is this world, not some other. If MC doesn’t concentrate on “important” characters, it doesn’t mean it is another world, it means that they are not important to MC. For example Rias is NOT interesting being, she doesn’t have great character for adult inventor, she doesn’t have unique ability or power, she is just lazy spoiled “noble” princess which are hundreds in supernatural world. And if we are talking about “useless” chicks, then ALL of summoned devils have solid reason to be summoned. With only thing I agree with you is that MC is not villain, he is more chaotic neutral/ true neutral. About energy, everything is an energy and you can change one type of energy to another, so why can’t Marcus just create infinite amount of electricity and transform it into magic.

Your comment just shows you do not like DxD so why make a DxD fic besides it being popular to get views? The review regarding to how magic works is very relevant here because from what is said, it doesn't work the way it does in DxD as DxD magic is based on mathematics and code similar to a computer program for humans, from what I can see based on this review and your comments regarding it, it's a crossover world between DxD and the 'original' one you came up with where DxD is only relevant to some characters names and races being the same or similar for fanservice. Thanks reviewer for making this review as I know to skip this novel, I do not doubt that your review will most likely get deleted before long as you can see by the 'controlled' rating behind this novel.

Dragon15681:Right... first of all. What kind of DxD elements? DxD elements is fan service and Shonen power-ups from doing certain things to Rias assets... And you talking about magic as if it has proper explanation in canon DxD. It was left extremely barren and to many interpretations. I already left in the Summary that this fic is about Mc technology progress and how it's going to affect the world around him as the main plot.

What are you talking about? only humans use math and equations... Devils use Imagination based magic powered by demonic energy. That's about it. Nothing more is mentioned only sparse things about other pantheons and factions. Even Mc of the original novel doesn't use magic only his Sacred Gear, to power his shonen fights... which is powered by Mc's obsession with Rias assets.

Ototsu_Yume:Your comment just shows you do not like DxD so why make a DxD fic besides it being popular to get views? The review regarding to how magic works is very relevant here because from what is said, it doesn't work the way it does in DxD as DxD magic is based on mathematics and code similar to a computer program for humans, from what I can see based on this review and your comments regarding it, it's a crossover world between DxD and the 'original' one you came up with where DxD is only relevant to some characters names and races being the same or similar for fanservice. Thanks reviewer for making this review as I know to skip this novel, I do not doubt that your review will most likely get deleted before long as you can see by the 'controlled' rating behind this novel.

this review is so accurate


what's your discord link? i don't think the one in the synopsis is right.

Dragon15681:What are you talking about? only humans use math and equations... Devils use Imagination based magic powered by demonic energy. That's about it. Nothing more is mentioned only sparse things about other pantheons and factions. Even Mc of the original novel doesn't use magic only his Sacred Gear, to power his shonen fights... which is powered by Mc's obsession with Rias assets.