Yes, I would suggest reading this LN. There is no Nationalism going on in this LN as these people keep freaking out about. The only time that you could even claim nationalism was when 2 governments sent 2 scout teams to work together on the other side of the portals that just opened up. The 1st team comes from a nation that doesn't even exist in our reality and only exists in the LN. The 2nd team comes from the same country as the MC. They ran into the MC, on the other side of the portal, and thought that the MC had fallen through a portal by mistake. Team 2 wanted to have the MC come with them so that they could protect him. Team 1 said NO because he would be a burden because he was to weak and they had a mission to complete and because the MC wasn't the only non-military person who had wandered into the portals that would end up being to weak to be there. Please remember that Team 1 does have their own countries agendas to think about. So does team 2. In the end the MC said no thanks and left to do stuff on his own. Later the MC saw them again and the 2 teams were running away from a POWERFUL monster and team 1 was using team 2 as their scape goats. That was all there was to this supposed Nationalism that these people are freaking out about.
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LIKELooks like you started pushing diarrhea out your mouth instead of out your butt. Also, next time try to aim for the toilet.
MrNewbie:chinese bot china = red shi*hole, red shi*hole, red shi*hole, red shi*hole, red shi*hole, red shi*hole, red shi*hole, red shi*hole, red shi*hole, red shi*hole,