Hello everyone, author here letting you know that this is my first work and I am taking this step by step. This story will probably be on the longer side seeing as it takes a while to go from the bottom to the top in the world of one piece. Have fun with it. pieinskie
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LIKEWill you allow him to get another fruit since he has the yami yami no mi? It does not have to be soon but I always wanted to see OP combinations with this fruit. Like glint glint or rumble rumble or shadow shadow (solo leveling) or soul soul (personally I feel this is the most OP fruit -> after awakening I believe you can eat the soul of other df and get their powers) or other fruits. You can be creative with the second fruit. Thx anyway
he needs to be inhumane before eating a second devil fruit
But that doesn’t mean they are bad. The World Government (Celestial Dragons) are bad but the Marines are built to help the people. As well as maintain the current governemnt. Personally, I would rather be a marine than a Pirate. but its each to your own. ygm?
A Marinha e feita pro Governo Mundial manter seu controle no mundo, ajudar as pessoas e só um meio pra eles. E ser marinheiro e uma droga, por que eles não podem ir com tira as ordens, mesmo que estejam vendo um amigo ou parente sendo feito de escravo na frente deles, então pensa bem se ser um Almirante e realmente bom, imagina quantas vezes o Sengoku teve que fechar o olho pra atrocidades por ordem do Governo Mundial ? Imagina a culpa que isso traz no Marinheiro, tu pode salvar um vila de um piratas, mais no dia seguinte pode passar um nobre mundial e levar todo mundo lá como escravo e tu não vai poder fazer poha nenhuma.