2021-12-29 04:31

a all around decent fanfic, my big problem with it is the way the speech is handled, 'blah blah blah' (and no I'm not talking about ' being at the bottom of the line at the beginning of the sentence) this way of representing the speech is bad because most of the time you don't know who is speaking and unless you use !? then you wont be able to express how the character is speaking i.e. mad, sad, shocked, furious. and it just breaks up the conversation and immersion. but I also recognize that there are other problems like minor grammar errors, a nerf with the bonus quest, disappointment with roger being both his father and the character he gets his power from; but these things are very minor and for me either could ignore them easily or just plainly didn't matter. that being said I rate this 4 Twinkies out of 6 boots

Liked by 11 people


1 twinkie=1.5 boots 4 Twinkies=6 boots

Other Reviews

This is the most 7/10 fanfic I've seen on this site. I almost never give 3/5 star reviews and would mostly either put them in 1/5 or 5/5, but like I said, this is the most 7/10 fanfic I've seen on the site. The premise is original and you can tell there's significant effort placed into writing it, but at the same falls into every possible pitfall a One Piece fanfic can fall into. It's surprisingly lackluster for a fanfic with such an interesting premise. 1. Major characters who go through extensive character development are turned into boring side characters with amateurish writing. 2. Absurd power dynamics and OP MC that makes the reader feel like the world of the source material is smaller than it really is. This author basically made Oda's effort in making his world feel vast obsolete before the MC's adventure even started. Which is impressive, but it's impressive in the worst way possible. 3. Too much emphasis on Romance, completely disregarding the nature of the source material. One Piece romance is very implied and nuanced. It's not something that's in your face, and these fanfic authors' strange obsession with shipping is weird. Although I can give it a pass now, because the author seems to have completely forgotten some of the crass romantic set-up he's done. All in all, it was an okay read (so far). Also, rest assured that the author eventually drops some of his cringe writing quirks like adding text emotes, although he does still add SFX, which I can only justify as him trying to transition One Piece's story telling style into a written format.

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