
Review Detail of Lord_Eggie in My Werewolf System

Review detail


veryveryvery good novel. must read. 10/10. mindblowing, amazing, spectacular, beautiful... no there's no punchline. GKAce Manja will delete a negative review anyway even if it contains positive critism. this is wut he derserves, truly. i have read way way worse novels but this author is the worst i have ever come across. to sum up what kind of person he is, i'll say he's literally like young master in any random wn; aka arrogant, egoist, narcissist, snowflake, cringe, and much worse. anyways for you new folks, always ignore ratings since authors actively delete them, especially original ones. translators are actually pretty chill. will see how long this review stands.

My Werewolf System


Liked by 63 people




Lies You deletes my review everytime i posted it even tho I gave my opinion very nicely so im not gonna be nice and in short your novels are just bad. I read the dragon one and this and both are horrible.

JKSManga:can't delete reviews this is uploaded through third-party and not linked to my account, anyway I don't know what I did to annoy you or for you to have this option of me. But your free to think what you wish, I just don't know how somone can have an opnion of somone just from writing a book. but I wish you good fortune and happiness

He better delete this This is just plain hate


can't delete reviews this is uploaded through third-party and not linked to my account, anyway I don't know what I did to annoy you or for you to have this option of me. But your free to think what you wish, I just don't know how somone can have an opnion of somone just from writing a book. but I wish you good fortune and happiness


Hate is a natural thing from we humans... we just have to deal with it.


you havent given any constructive criticism, do you mind explaining why this novel is bad?


he can't because the poster is a troll.

AdriftInTheVoid:you havent given any constructive criticism, do you mind explaining why this novel is bad?

i read MVS till 300ish chapters. i just pointed out in one of the chapters that military portrayl is very unrealistic and JSKManga told me to literally fk off. he kept bragging about how his novel is at the top, has high rating, is comparable to LoTM and that i should f off and write my own novel. That was a lot of shtiness for someone who just pointed out some inconsistencies. i was really shocked at his reply. like i seriously never thought he'd be this grudgy and narrowminded, i even ignored others who were bad mouthing him thinking that they were trolls. but they turned out to be right in the end.

AdriftInTheVoid:you havent given any constructive criticism, do you mind explaining why this novel is bad?

you do know we can just go on to your account now and see all the comments to and reviews you post on other stories? It's really hard to believe you are a nice person or troll and these people have followed me from day one they know what type of person I am

Lord_Eggie:i read MVS till 300ish chapters. i just pointed out in one of the chapters that military portrayl is very unrealistic and JSKManga told me to literally fk off. he kept bragging about how his novel is at the top, has high rating, is comparable to LoTM and that i should f off and write my own novel. That was a lot of shtiness for someone who just pointed out some inconsistencies. i was really shocked at his reply. like i seriously never thought he'd be this grudgy and narrowminded, i even ignored others who were bad mouthing him thinking that they were trolls. but they turned out to be right in the end.

Dont worry about this guy, the only problems with your novels are that you are they are addictive and not being uploaded fast enough (although you cant help the last one). keep up the great work, i can really see how hard you’re working and its paying off. The stories just keep getting better and better and i can tell that you have improved a lot! Thanks for your amazing novels, im addicted!


see my profile? go to people's history to judge them? that all you can think of to defend yourself? it doesn't matter. go ahead pls, i dont hide, its there for everyone to see. and ofc it finally comes down to "I" "me" , the narcissim and insecurities are plain to see. you might have sugarcoated your words somewhat but its plain to see for the eyes. afterall, praising yourself and defending yourself on your alts isn't a new thing for you. honestly, i feel pity for you. either you are a 11yo or have the mentality of one, either way pls grow up.. i dont want this to be a back and forth bicker, like preschooler or neckbeards spitting salivas at each other. i just stated what happend to me. try to accept the facts and act civil. you cant improve without acknowleding your weaknesses and thats what your insecurities stop you from doing. that it

JKSManga:you do know we can just go on to your account now and see all the comments to and reviews you post on other stories? It's really hard to believe you are a nice person or troll and these people have followed me from day one they know what type of person I am

Yes of course you are a nice guy, I hope you have fun, continue rating authors stories you don't read 1 star. I have no alts haha, but I do have 16 million book sales, webtoon deals, Billboard on NYC, invited to top 10 university on how to write a plot and more but.. of course this is all fake and whatever you say goes. I hope you learn sooner than latter that Karma bites back

Lord_Eggie:see my profile? go to people's history to judge them? that all you can think of to defend yourself? it doesn't matter. go ahead pls, i dont hide, its there for everyone to see. and ofc it finally comes down to "I" "me" , the narcissim and insecurities are plain to see. you might have sugarcoated your words somewhat but its plain to see for the eyes. afterall, praising yourself and defending yourself on your alts isn't a new thing for you. honestly, i feel pity for you. either you are a 11yo or have the mentality of one, either way pls grow up.. i dont want this to be a back and forth bicker, like preschooler or neckbeards spitting salivas at each other. i just stated what happend to me. try to accept the facts and act civil. you cant improve without acknowleding your weaknesses and thats what your insecurities stop you from doing. that it

I also forgot to add, weren't you the one who went onto my book to rate it one star trying to call me put for things that I never did? oh that's right, you were the child that for no reason and the free time in their day. seriously your just embracing yourself you should seriously stop hahah screen showing this for all the authors to see, will have a good laugh over this one

Lord_Eggie:see my profile? go to people's history to judge them? that all you can think of to defend yourself? it doesn't matter. go ahead pls, i dont hide, its there for everyone to see. and ofc it finally comes down to "I" "me" , the narcissim and insecurities are plain to see. you might have sugarcoated your words somewhat but its plain to see for the eyes. afterall, praising yourself and defending yourself on your alts isn't a new thing for you. honestly, i feel pity for you. either you are a 11yo or have the mentality of one, either way pls grow up.. i dont want this to be a back and forth bicker, like preschooler or neckbeards spitting salivas at each other. i just stated what happend to me. try to accept the facts and act civil. you cant improve without acknowleding your weaknesses and thats what your insecurities stop you from doing. that it

the irony

JKSManga:Yes of course you are a nice guy, I hope you have fun, continue rating authors stories you don't read 1 star. I have no alts haha, but I do have 16 million book sales, webtoon deals, Billboard on NYC, invited to top 10 university on how to write a plot and more but.. of course this is all fake and whatever you say goes. I hope you learn sooner than latter that Karma bites back


JKSManga:I also forgot to add, weren't you the one who went onto my book to rate it one star trying to call me put for things that I never did? oh that's right, you were the child that for no reason and the free time in their day. seriously your just embracing yourself you should seriously stop hahah screen showing this for all the authors to see, will have a good laugh over this one

guy reminds me of jake paul with the fake mature message at the start and then the brag/mockery after he snaps haha

Lord_Eggie:the irony

His facade fell out real quick. It's quite ironic. On a side note, you can very much glimpse a good part of the author's opinions, beliefs, and personality through his writing. The book is, after all, a representation of an author's thoughts in a creative storytelling form.

DaoistlP1ti4:guy reminds me of jake paul with the fake mature message at the start and then the brag/mockery after he snaps haha

couldn't agree more

YellowPeacock:His facade fell out real quick. It's quite ironic. On a side note, you can very much glimpse a good part of the author's opinions, beliefs, and personality through his writing. The book is, after all, a representation of an author's thoughts in a creative storytelling form.

Finally someone called him out on this i am surprised he did not delte your comment Or cursed at you lol.


literally can not delete reviews lol

Liam_Lunders:Lies You deletes my review everytime i posted it even tho I gave my opinion very nicely so im not gonna be nice and in short your novels are just bad. I read the dragon one and this and both are horrible.

former he doesnt have privliges to do and latter he did lol, just read above

Liam_Lunders:Finally someone called him out on this i am surprised he did not delte your comment Or cursed at you lol.