Allow thine discontent to fester in the shadowed recesses of thy soul, where it doth cling to its wretched solace, unnoticed and forsaken.
of reading
Read books
More like overworked slave. What sort of god can't be read minds? Almighty? Is that a joke? Where's the omniscience and omnipotence?
We got a Light Yagami-at-home here.
This is just a glorified servant. A real god sits on his plushy throne and enjoys.
Was? What happened?
Wow, what a surprise. Couldn't have figured it out.
Kind-looking guy in question:
Reading normal novels after xianxia feels weird. If it was one of those lowly sect elders, they'd just snort it out.
Like Uncle Like Father Like Son. The Silverdiddy Jr. will learn from his uncle Siverdiddy Sr. the ways of moghlesting.
So it's cannon now; house silversheild is into minors. We used to anihilate and slaughter clans, patriarchs and ancestors for this sort of stuff. How low have the mighty fallen!
Yeah stop teasing her so your Uncle and Daddy can moghlest her. She sure didn't speak up when that happenend. Two-faced mongrel, I say. Two-faced.