book worm
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good to know, and thank you. I'm glad to know you are continuing the story.
the ending of MDS was rushed because WEBNOVEL rushed JKSMANGA into ending the story. MVS has a proper ending that he was able to finish in the way that he wanted it to end.
as a reader of your previous works, will you be finishing any of them or should I just put this in my bookshelf for the "eventually gonna have enough to be worth reading" pile?
waryness against a potential poisoning.
yeah, Tim's not a spy or anything.....
well, yeah. the mc of the start of the series was a dragon
evacuation ---> excavation *
Dean didnt show signs of being a vampire..... Alpha werewolves have red eyes. Dean became a second Alpha and they would have been forced to fight eachother if Dean didn't give up his wolf.