To celebrate getting 1k collections, I'm here to give myself another review. It's more like a self-reflection of sorts.
Writing Quality- Now, looking back, I definitely could have done better in some cases like how the conversations inside the group chat progressed. Some chapters like that made me felt satisfied by what I wrote while reading while others made me frown in annoyance. My grammar should at least be readable while but it's a far cry from those excellently written novels.
Story Development- The story is still in its beginning stages so nothing really exciting or dramatic happened. The story's pacing is quite good in my opinion, with no major time skips except for when I skipped the childhood phase. The story's now its first Dimension Travel so there's that as well.
Character Design- Nothing could be said here, I think. I took characters from different novels and tried to emulate their unique personalities as much as I can.
Updating Stability- It's being updated everyday for almost a month now so it's a five star! Haha.
World Background- In terms of this one, I think I never really delved too deep into it as I felt that there wasn't really a need to. It's a much more advanced Earth than ours, what more should I say? However, I might further elaborate when it comes to some cases like in another world.
All in all, I'm pretty satisfied with how this story is shaping out to be. No stressful events, not much in terms of drama, just a fluffy Slice of Life story that is paired with Game Elements and Dimensional Travelling experience. To those who wants to read this thinking that there will be serious developments, I'd suggest that you should turn around and look for something else. I didn't start this book to stress myself and the readers by making us all go through a roller coaster of emotions. I made this because I want to relax and take my mind away from the stress of work, even for a moment.