I freaking love your story! Steel waste is good all but it does not have the depth and story like yours, SW is more like a faced pace Ok character wuixa thing 9ts always escalating, but yours...... It's a diamond on the rough! I am a huge fallout fan and there sent many good or complete fallout fanfic on here. I've read most 9f the good ones on archive 0f our 9wn and fanfiction . net. I'm not exactly sure when this tales place though... it this based in the games 9r an all 9ut original fallout world? Anyways I await each chapter with an eager smile, so keep it up! Just know I'm one of your readers![img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]
Liked by 4 people
LIKEThat's great to hear, thank you! The story is set in the existing Fallout universe, around a century after the bombs fell. This gets addressed/referenced later, but the main focus is the original location. I think of it more like an expanded universe setting, in that there's nothing to say it couldn't be in that world. One of the biggest problems I have is that I have all cons of fan fiction, and none of the pros. Non fans dismiss it and fans aren't interested in the original setting. I won't say how many hits it got on archive of our own, but it was single digits! So to hear from a fallout fan is most welcome! If you like what's happened so far, you're (hopefully) going to like what comes next! Things start to pick up and I shall say no more! There will be three of four chapters added in the next few days, and I posted one now to thank you for reading and reviewing!
I'm I check this story constantly to see if you updated lol! Fanficti9n.net has a few good fallout stories , I'm constantly looking for fanfic lol I use Qoutev, Wattpad Archiveour own, fanfiction.net. Royal Road and Webnovel to find my craving I even check Spacebattles forums lol. I'm addicted to a good story and 8 dearly l9ve yours!
Update coming today and at weekend,
told you people on webnovel would like it. There is never enough, fallout fanfics on here.