Book and plot is good but romance is real trash if you Bad at this dont add i make 3.4 if hermione part deleted directly 4.5 Daphne greengras is too mc is so good at Girls but bad at boys claddic chinese mc and he isnt clever all characters setted to ship mc and hermione All evils more idiot then mc He dont know wgat is low profile Say so big information to even dont know occulamcy characters And he is so unreadble he make desicions with his mood someone say him to mudblood but he dont say nothing and he is good for nothing but too egoist.... İts all 😄✨✨✨🌰
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LIKEalthough i don't know half what you're saying, i quite agree with you, the romance is quite rushed, and i admit, it's quite hard to write romance, he also lacked interactions to the male characters and i'm planning on it, and as you said, the mc don't know what 'low profile' is, but it's part of his personality in my opinion, he's not a reincarnated or a transmigrated character, even if his mind is quite mature, but at the end of the day, he's still a 12 year old kid who suddenly got this huge responsibilty to mantain his family's legacy and dignity, so he'll be somewhat arrogant and high profile at the start, but overtime, he will learn from mistakes and tragedies that he will face, because of his background, he got this kind of god complex i guess, but later, he will definitely got slapped in the face. and youre right, this novel is inspired by chinese fanfics :) Thanks for the review by the way, i do this for seeing what i'm capable of in terms of writing i guess
By tragedy, you mean death of his girls? Please not do this..
who is the love interest?