2021-08-11 22:10

The Supreme Primordial God almost omnipotent he it can kill great red without problems in less than 1s but it needs to hide its strength for absurd reasons . The beings of that level do not care about anything since they can kill everything with a thought.

Liked by 99 people


bruh if he is even half rimurus powers than great red got killed LITTERALLY trillions of times over in an instant


nah the mc is just making sure he doesn't attract the the attention of one shoter's like takatou yogiri. takatou yogiri's abilities Instant Death: Instant Death is Yogiri’s ability to kill anything with a single thought. Although he usually says something like “die” along with it, it’s actually stated and shown to be thought-based on multiple occasions as he can also activate it while saying anything else, such as "you're the eyesore"[2]. It has been noted that what phenomena occurs after he targets an object to kill it is dependent on Yogiri's cognition of the death. For example, if a door's purpose is to block the way into another room, it only becomes logical that once the door dies, it will allow him to cross the entrance. However, this is something that Yogiri does not actively do when using his ability, as it occurs by itself. Despite the name of the ability, it is not necessarily instantaneous if Yogiri decides to not make it so, as there is some leeway as to when his targets can die, as long as they do die eventually[3]. Seemingly connected to the nature of instant death, Yogiri's perception of the world shows him any hostility directed at him or his allies, or just plain hazards, and he use that to track enemies he would not normally be capable of detecting, predict their movements/thought patterns, or automatically retaliate with the activation of instant death. Moreover, his ability is beyond fate and time itself, and was even able to kill an entity from a higher plane of existence[4], who was beyond space and time altogether[5]. Partial Killing: Yogiri can kill specific limbs or the organs of his targets if he wants, such as their senses (looking, hearing, smelling), arms, legs, fingers, hands, etc[6]. It should be noted that even if you cut off the affected limb and try to regenerate/heal it, said limb will still be affected by his ability, and thus won't ever function again, no matter what the target does[7]. It should be noted that at the beginning of series, Yogiri wasn't fully capable of killing specific parts of the body, but he eventually learned how to do it by training with his powers. Immortality Negation: Yogiri is not only capable of killing anything, but he can also completely negate different types of immortality, such as resurrection, regeneration, undead people[8], and even targets to whom the concept of death doesn't apply[9]. Furthermore, even if the enemy resides in a different plane and uses avatars to attack Yogiri, he can reach the true form by killing said avatars.[10][11] Resistance/Immunity Negation: Yogiri's power is capable of completely bypassing immunity and resistance towards instant death abilities.[12] Spiritual Killing: Yogiri is capable of killing ghosts and spirits alike, which also includes souls, as seen when he killed the soul fragments in Chelsea's dolls[13] and Teresa's soul[14][15]. Inorganic Killing: Yogiri is able to kill inanimate objects, nature elements, and inorganic beings such as robots[16], clothes, ice, wood, etc[17]. Data Destruction: Yogiri's ability has been shown to kill and destroy programs, such as the Judge.[18] Abstract/Semantic Erasure: Yogiri is able to choose what he will "kill", which includes how this can affect other objects/people or the environment. He can "kill" his momentum when falling to slow down his fall and land safely. He can also "kill" things based on his conceptualization. If he, for example, "killed" someone's memory of an event, they would lose that memory completely. If he decided to "kill" gravity, he could negate gravity either locally or planet-wide. He is capable of "killing" abstract phenomena and erasing concepts outright such as time or space.[19] Killing Intent, Precognition and Black Lines of Death: Yogiri can sense and foresee any incoming danger that might harm him or his allies beforehand, being able to quickly kill the cause or just dodge the said harm flawlessly[20][21][22]. Moreover, he can also see black lines/fogs on people or places, which indicates that there is potential danger involving them[23]. Fate Protection: Yogiri is an existence protected by fate itself, as mentioned by Aoi. Even surpassing the fate power/amount of those who are considered high destiny-value existences, such as sword saints or Vahanato. As seen with his "fight" with Aoi and Yukimasa, every destination and possibility leads to Yogiri's victory and safety, since that is how Fate itself wants it to be.[24] Swordsmanship: Despite him still being not too strong physically, he has already learned some sword techniques and martial arts from Tomochika, and was even able to kill an average monster with just his sword.[25] Gates: Due to wanting to be as human as possible, Yogiri constantly restrains his power with gates that are locked within his mind. By imagining them opening, he can release more of his powers one by one. Each gate (when unlocked) leads Yogiri to a new phase, and each phase greatly amplifies his power. From the second gate and up, those doors would automatically close after a certain period of time. This process was set up to prevent him from accidentally destroying the world. The exact number of gates is currently unknown, but he is stated to possess numerous of them.[26] Abstract Existence: The Yogiri that we know is only a shell, a vessel for an abstract being from a higher plane to interact with reality. No matter what kind of damage is done to Yogiri, it means nothing for his true form. It also seems to manifest against whatever or whoever tries to kill the vessel for good. Only part of its appearance has been revealed, and it alone is enough to drive targets to fear and insanity. Additionally, this true form exists since the beginning of all things and it is omnipresent across all of space and time of the multiverse.[27] The End of All Things: Yogiri's true form is seemingly the embodiment of nonexistence that represents the end of all things, something that no one could ever hope to surpass, and the final destination of all fate. Aoi stated that Yogiri's human form is the end of everything in the form of a normal person, further supporting the fact that his true form is something completely abstract and metaphysical. Against such a being, even Fate and Plot are less than a joke, similar to a disaster/calamity that can't be fathomed.[28][29] Abyss Manipulation: Yogiri has been shown to perceive and manipulate the higher-dimensional Abyss at will, which is a structure comprised of 4 spatial dimensions + 1 of time, and such a dimension was stated to be only a fraction of Yogiri's true self.[30] Born-Again Immortality: Yogiri is able to live a hundred years, and after the death of his current Incarnation, he will be reborn as a baby. This cycle seems to continue endlessly.[31] these where some abilities revealed of him I think he has more because one he is an eldritch God that might even be able to one shot azanthoth.


Did you take it off the wiki? I don't think any broken character like that takatou wants to have to do with the mc, I mean, they have to have more important things in their verses, I guess. Also, if we talk about the real shooters, which would make your character become a girl, and start praying to the one above would be those of The Elder Scrolls ... Anyway, as I said, every super broken entity has more important things than worrying about a mc of a webnovel story.

Kirito_Kirigaia:nah the mc is just making sure he doesn't attract the the attention of one shoter's like takatou yogiri. takatou yogiri's abilities Instant Death: Instant Death is Yogiri’s ability to kill anything with a single thought. Although he usually says something like “die” along with it, it’s actually stated and shown to be thought-based on multiple occasions as he can also activate it while saying anything else, such as "you're the eyesore"[2]. It has been noted that what phenomena occurs after he targets an object to kill it is dependent on Yogiri's cognition of the death. For example, if a door's purpose is to block the way into another room, it only becomes logical that once the door dies, it will allow him to cross the entrance. However, this is something that Yogiri does not actively do when using his ability, as it occurs by itself. Despite the name of the ability, it is not necessarily instantaneous if Yogiri decides to not make it so, as there is some leeway as to when his targets can die, as long as they do die eventually[3]. Seemingly connected to the nature of instant death, Yogiri's perception of the world shows him any hostility directed at him or his allies, or just plain hazards, and he use that to track enemies he would not normally be capable of detecting, predict their movements/thought patterns, or automatically retaliate with the activation of instant death. Moreover, his ability is beyond fate and time itself, and was even able to kill an entity from a higher plane of existence[4], who was beyond space and time altogether[5]. Partial Killing: Yogiri can kill specific limbs or the organs of his targets if he wants, such as their senses (looking, hearing, smelling), arms, legs, fingers, hands, etc[6]. It should be noted that even if you cut off the affected limb and try to regenerate/heal it, said limb will still be affected by his ability, and thus won't ever function again, no matter what the target does[7]. It should be noted that at the beginning of series, Yogiri wasn't fully capable of killing specific parts of the body, but he eventually learned how to do it by training with his powers. Immortality Negation: Yogiri is not only capable of killing anything, but he can also completely negate different types of immortality, such as resurrection, regeneration, undead people[8], and even targets to whom the concept of death doesn't apply[9]. Furthermore, even if the enemy resides in a different plane and uses avatars to attack Yogiri, he can reach the true form by killing said avatars.[10][11] Resistance/Immunity Negation: Yogiri's power is capable of completely bypassing immunity and resistance towards instant death abilities.[12] Spiritual Killing: Yogiri is capable of killing ghosts and spirits alike, which also includes souls, as seen when he killed the soul fragments in Chelsea's dolls[13] and Teresa's soul[14][15]. Inorganic Killing: Yogiri is able to kill inanimate objects, nature elements, and inorganic beings such as robots[16], clothes, ice, wood, etc[17]. Data Destruction: Yogiri's ability has been shown to kill and destroy programs, such as the Judge.[18] Abstract/Semantic Erasure: Yogiri is able to choose what he will "kill", which includes how this can affect other objects/people or the environment. He can "kill" his momentum when falling to slow down his fall and land safely. He can also "kill" things based on his conceptualization. If he, for example, "killed" someone's memory of an event, they would lose that memory completely. If he decided to "kill" gravity, he could negate gravity either locally or planet-wide. He is capable of "killing" abstract phenomena and erasing concepts outright such as time or space.[19] Killing Intent, Precognition and Black Lines of Death: Yogiri can sense and foresee any incoming danger that might harm him or his allies beforehand, being able to quickly kill the cause or just dodge the said harm flawlessly[20][21][22]. Moreover, he can also see black lines/fogs on people or places, which indicates that there is potential danger involving them[23]. Fate Protection: Yogiri is an existence protected by fate itself, as mentioned by Aoi. Even surpassing the fate power/amount of those who are considered high destiny-value existences, such as sword saints or Vahanato. As seen with his "fight" with Aoi and Yukimasa, every destination and possibility leads to Yogiri's victory and safety, since that is how Fate itself wants it to be.[24] Swordsmanship: Despite him still being not too strong physically, he has already learned some sword techniques and martial arts from Tomochika, and was even able to kill an average monster with just his sword.[25] Gates: Due to wanting to be as human as possible, Yogiri constantly restrains his power with gates that are locked within his mind. By imagining them opening, he can release more of his powers one by one. Each gate (when unlocked) leads Yogiri to a new phase, and each phase greatly amplifies his power. From the second gate and up, those doors would automatically close after a certain period of time. This process was set up to prevent him from accidentally destroying the world. The exact number of gates is currently unknown, but he is stated to possess numerous of them.[26] Abstract Existence: The Yogiri that we know is only a shell, a vessel for an abstract being from a higher plane to interact with reality. No matter what kind of damage is done to Yogiri, it means nothing for his true form. It also seems to manifest against whatever or whoever tries to kill the vessel for good. Only part of its appearance has been revealed, and it alone is enough to drive targets to fear and insanity. Additionally, this true form exists since the beginning of all things and it is omnipresent across all of space and time of the multiverse.[27] The End of All Things: Yogiri's true form is seemingly the embodiment of nonexistence that represents the end of all things, something that no one could ever hope to surpass, and the final destination of all fate. Aoi stated that Yogiri's human form is the end of everything in the form of a normal person, further supporting the fact that his true form is something completely abstract and metaphysical. Against such a being, even Fate and Plot are less than a joke, similar to a disaster/calamity that can't be fathomed.[28][29] Abyss Manipulation: Yogiri has been shown to perceive and manipulate the higher-dimensional Abyss at will, which is a structure comprised of 4 spatial dimensions + 1 of time, and such a dimension was stated to be only a fraction of Yogiri's true self.[30] Born-Again Immortality: Yogiri is able to live a hundred years, and after the death of his current Incarnation, he will be reborn as a baby. This cycle seems to continue endlessly.[31] these where some abilities revealed of him I think he has more because one he is an eldritch God that might even be able to one shot azanthoth.

say that to azanthoths dog Narlytotep I see him appear in a lot of fanfics eldritch Gods have nothing to do except cause despair and yes I got this off of wiki.

HeepyterV17:Did you take it off the wiki? I don't think any broken character like that takatou wants to have to do with the mc, I mean, they have to have more important things in their verses, I guess. Also, if we talk about the real shooters, which would make your character become a girl, and start praying to the one above would be those of The Elder Scrolls ... Anyway, as I said, every super broken entity has more important things than worrying about a mc of a webnovel story.

That happens because they either want the son of the blind man in the haren, or because the author pulled him out of his right egg.

Kirito_Kirigaia:say that to azanthoths dog Narlytotep I see him appear in a lot of fanfics eldritch Gods have nothing to do except cause despair and yes I got this off of wiki.

Are you mentally ill or something?

Kirito_Kirigaia:nah the mc is just making sure he doesn't attract the the attention of one shoter's like takatou yogiri. takatou yogiri's abilities Instant Death: Instant Death is Yogiri’s ability to kill anything with a single thought. Although he usually says something like “die” along with it, it’s actually stated and shown to be thought-based on multiple occasions as he can also activate it while saying anything else, such as "you're the eyesore"[2]. It has been noted that what phenomena occurs after he targets an object to kill it is dependent on Yogiri's cognition of the death. For example, if a door's purpose is to block the way into another room, it only becomes logical that once the door dies, it will allow him to cross the entrance. However, this is something that Yogiri does not actively do when using his ability, as it occurs by itself. Despite the name of the ability, it is not necessarily instantaneous if Yogiri decides to not make it so, as there is some leeway as to when his targets can die, as long as they do die eventually[3]. Seemingly connected to the nature of instant death, Yogiri's perception of the world shows him any hostility directed at him or his allies, or just plain hazards, and he use that to track enemies he would not normally be capable of detecting, predict their movements/thought patterns, or automatically retaliate with the activation of instant death. Moreover, his ability is beyond fate and time itself, and was even able to kill an entity from a higher plane of existence[4], who was beyond space and time altogether[5]. Partial Killing: Yogiri can kill specific limbs or the organs of his targets if he wants, such as their senses (looking, hearing, smelling), arms, legs, fingers, hands, etc[6]. It should be noted that even if you cut off the affected limb and try to regenerate/heal it, said limb will still be affected by his ability, and thus won't ever function again, no matter what the target does[7]. It should be noted that at the beginning of series, Yogiri wasn't fully capable of killing specific parts of the body, but he eventually learned how to do it by training with his powers. Immortality Negation: Yogiri is not only capable of killing anything, but he can also completely negate different types of immortality, such as resurrection, regeneration, undead people[8], and even targets to whom the concept of death doesn't apply[9]. Furthermore, even if the enemy resides in a different plane and uses avatars to attack Yogiri, he can reach the true form by killing said avatars.[10][11] Resistance/Immunity Negation: Yogiri's power is capable of completely bypassing immunity and resistance towards instant death abilities.[12] Spiritual Killing: Yogiri is capable of killing ghosts and spirits alike, which also includes souls, as seen when he killed the soul fragments in Chelsea's dolls[13] and Teresa's soul[14][15]. Inorganic Killing: Yogiri is able to kill inanimate objects, nature elements, and inorganic beings such as robots[16], clothes, ice, wood, etc[17]. Data Destruction: Yogiri's ability has been shown to kill and destroy programs, such as the Judge.[18] Abstract/Semantic Erasure: Yogiri is able to choose what he will "kill", which includes how this can affect other objects/people or the environment. He can "kill" his momentum when falling to slow down his fall and land safely. He can also "kill" things based on his conceptualization. If he, for example, "killed" someone's memory of an event, they would lose that memory completely. If he decided to "kill" gravity, he could negate gravity either locally or planet-wide. He is capable of "killing" abstract phenomena and erasing concepts outright such as time or space.[19] Killing Intent, Precognition and Black Lines of Death: Yogiri can sense and foresee any incoming danger that might harm him or his allies beforehand, being able to quickly kill the cause or just dodge the said harm flawlessly[20][21][22]. Moreover, he can also see black lines/fogs on people or places, which indicates that there is potential danger involving them[23]. Fate Protection: Yogiri is an existence protected by fate itself, as mentioned by Aoi. Even surpassing the fate power/amount of those who are considered high destiny-value existences, such as sword saints or Vahanato. As seen with his "fight" with Aoi and Yukimasa, every destination and possibility leads to Yogiri's victory and safety, since that is how Fate itself wants it to be.[24] Swordsmanship: Despite him still being not too strong physically, he has already learned some sword techniques and martial arts from Tomochika, and was even able to kill an average monster with just his sword.[25] Gates: Due to wanting to be as human as possible, Yogiri constantly restrains his power with gates that are locked within his mind. By imagining them opening, he can release more of his powers one by one. Each gate (when unlocked) leads Yogiri to a new phase, and each phase greatly amplifies his power. From the second gate and up, those doors would automatically close after a certain period of time. This process was set up to prevent him from accidentally destroying the world. The exact number of gates is currently unknown, but he is stated to possess numerous of them.[26] Abstract Existence: The Yogiri that we know is only a shell, a vessel for an abstract being from a higher plane to interact with reality. No matter what kind of damage is done to Yogiri, it means nothing for his true form. It also seems to manifest against whatever or whoever tries to kill the vessel for good. Only part of its appearance has been revealed, and it alone is enough to drive targets to fear and insanity. Additionally, this true form exists since the beginning of all things and it is omnipresent across all of space and time of the multiverse.[27] The End of All Things: Yogiri's true form is seemingly the embodiment of nonexistence that represents the end of all things, something that no one could ever hope to surpass, and the final destination of all fate. Aoi stated that Yogiri's human form is the end of everything in the form of a normal person, further supporting the fact that his true form is something completely abstract and metaphysical. Against such a being, even Fate and Plot are less than a joke, similar to a disaster/calamity that can't be fathomed.[28][29] Abyss Manipulation: Yogiri has been shown to perceive and manipulate the higher-dimensional Abyss at will, which is a structure comprised of 4 spatial dimensions + 1 of time, and such a dimension was stated to be only a fraction of Yogiri's true self.[30] Born-Again Immortality: Yogiri is able to live a hundred years, and after the death of his current Incarnation, he will be reborn as a baby. This cycle seems to continue endlessly.[31] these where some abilities revealed of him I think he has more because one he is an eldritch God that might even be able to one shot azanthoth.

why do you ask if I'm mentally ill. no take backs.

Yuri_is_Ntr:Are you mentally ill or something?

Sigh, you do understand that this kind of replies only makes me harder - yes? Don't feed the troll as saying goes. But honestly, I was just surprised how random you answer was. Like, why whould you even cope wiki page if that's doesn't answer the question ?

Kirito_Kirigaia:why do you ask if I'm mentally ill. no take backs.

This is the laziest answer I have ever read...

Kirito_Kirigaia:nah the mc is just making sure he doesn't attract the the attention of one shoter's like takatou yogiri. takatou yogiri's abilities Instant Death: Instant Death is Yogiri’s ability to kill anything with a single thought. Although he usually says something like “die” along with it, it’s actually stated and shown to be thought-based on multiple occasions as he can also activate it while saying anything else, such as "you're the eyesore"[2]. It has been noted that what phenomena occurs after he targets an object to kill it is dependent on Yogiri's cognition of the death. For example, if a door's purpose is to block the way into another room, it only becomes logical that once the door dies, it will allow him to cross the entrance. However, this is something that Yogiri does not actively do when using his ability, as it occurs by itself. Despite the name of the ability, it is not necessarily instantaneous if Yogiri decides to not make it so, as there is some leeway as to when his targets can die, as long as they do die eventually[3]. Seemingly connected to the nature of instant death, Yogiri's perception of the world shows him any hostility directed at him or his allies, or just plain hazards, and he use that to track enemies he would not normally be capable of detecting, predict their movements/thought patterns, or automatically retaliate with the activation of instant death. Moreover, his ability is beyond fate and time itself, and was even able to kill an entity from a higher plane of existence[4], who was beyond space and time altogether[5]. Partial Killing: Yogiri can kill specific limbs or the organs of his targets if he wants, such as their senses (looking, hearing, smelling), arms, legs, fingers, hands, etc[6]. It should be noted that even if you cut off the affected limb and try to regenerate/heal it, said limb will still be affected by his ability, and thus won't ever function again, no matter what the target does[7]. It should be noted that at the beginning of series, Yogiri wasn't fully capable of killing specific parts of the body, but he eventually learned how to do it by training with his powers. Immortality Negation: Yogiri is not only capable of killing anything, but he can also completely negate different types of immortality, such as resurrection, regeneration, undead people[8], and even targets to whom the concept of death doesn't apply[9]. Furthermore, even if the enemy resides in a different plane and uses avatars to attack Yogiri, he can reach the true form by killing said avatars.[10][11] Resistance/Immunity Negation: Yogiri's power is capable of completely bypassing immunity and resistance towards instant death abilities.[12] Spiritual Killing: Yogiri is capable of killing ghosts and spirits alike, which also includes souls, as seen when he killed the soul fragments in Chelsea's dolls[13] and Teresa's soul[14][15]. Inorganic Killing: Yogiri is able to kill inanimate objects, nature elements, and inorganic beings such as robots[16], clothes, ice, wood, etc[17]. Data Destruction: Yogiri's ability has been shown to kill and destroy programs, such as the Judge.[18] Abstract/Semantic Erasure: Yogiri is able to choose what he will "kill", which includes how this can affect other objects/people or the environment. He can "kill" his momentum when falling to slow down his fall and land safely. He can also "kill" things based on his conceptualization. If he, for example, "killed" someone's memory of an event, they would lose that memory completely. If he decided to "kill" gravity, he could negate gravity either locally or planet-wide. He is capable of "killing" abstract phenomena and erasing concepts outright such as time or space.[19] Killing Intent, Precognition and Black Lines of Death: Yogiri can sense and foresee any incoming danger that might harm him or his allies beforehand, being able to quickly kill the cause or just dodge the said harm flawlessly[20][21][22]. Moreover, he can also see black lines/fogs on people or places, which indicates that there is potential danger involving them[23]. Fate Protection: Yogiri is an existence protected by fate itself, as mentioned by Aoi. Even surpassing the fate power/amount of those who are considered high destiny-value existences, such as sword saints or Vahanato. As seen with his "fight" with Aoi and Yukimasa, every destination and possibility leads to Yogiri's victory and safety, since that is how Fate itself wants it to be.[24] Swordsmanship: Despite him still being not too strong physically, he has already learned some sword techniques and martial arts from Tomochika, and was even able to kill an average monster with just his sword.[25] Gates: Due to wanting to be as human as possible, Yogiri constantly restrains his power with gates that are locked within his mind. By imagining them opening, he can release more of his powers one by one. Each gate (when unlocked) leads Yogiri to a new phase, and each phase greatly amplifies his power. From the second gate and up, those doors would automatically close after a certain period of time. This process was set up to prevent him from accidentally destroying the world. The exact number of gates is currently unknown, but he is stated to possess numerous of them.[26] Abstract Existence: The Yogiri that we know is only a shell, a vessel for an abstract being from a higher plane to interact with reality. No matter what kind of damage is done to Yogiri, it means nothing for his true form. It also seems to manifest against whatever or whoever tries to kill the vessel for good. Only part of its appearance has been revealed, and it alone is enough to drive targets to fear and insanity. Additionally, this true form exists since the beginning of all things and it is omnipresent across all of space and time of the multiverse.[27] The End of All Things: Yogiri's true form is seemingly the embodiment of nonexistence that represents the end of all things, something that no one could ever hope to surpass, and the final destination of all fate. Aoi stated that Yogiri's human form is the end of everything in the form of a normal person, further supporting the fact that his true form is something completely abstract and metaphysical. Against such a being, even Fate and Plot are less than a joke, similar to a disaster/calamity that can't be fathomed.[28][29] Abyss Manipulation: Yogiri has been shown to perceive and manipulate the higher-dimensional Abyss at will, which is a structure comprised of 4 spatial dimensions + 1 of time, and such a dimension was stated to be only a fraction of Yogiri's true self.[30] Born-Again Immortality: Yogiri is able to live a hundred years, and after the death of his current Incarnation, he will be reborn as a baby. This cycle seems to continue endlessly.[31] these where some abilities revealed of him I think he has more because one he is an eldritch God that might even be able to one shot azanthoth.

yogiri vs rimuru is a close fight, but rimurus power doubles every day so rimuru would almost 100% beat yogiri, rimuru is immune to death things like that

Kirito_Kirigaia:nah the mc is just making sure he doesn't attract the the attention of one shoter's like takatou yogiri. takatou yogiri's abilities Instant Death: Instant Death is Yogiri’s ability to kill anything with a single thought. Although he usually says something like “die” along with it, it’s actually stated and shown to be thought-based on multiple occasions as he can also activate it while saying anything else, such as "you're the eyesore"[2]. It has been noted that what phenomena occurs after he targets an object to kill it is dependent on Yogiri's cognition of the death. For example, if a door's purpose is to block the way into another room, it only becomes logical that once the door dies, it will allow him to cross the entrance. However, this is something that Yogiri does not actively do when using his ability, as it occurs by itself. Despite the name of the ability, it is not necessarily instantaneous if Yogiri decides to not make it so, as there is some leeway as to when his targets can die, as long as they do die eventually[3]. Seemingly connected to the nature of instant death, Yogiri's perception of the world shows him any hostility directed at him or his allies, or just plain hazards, and he use that to track enemies he would not normally be capable of detecting, predict their movements/thought patterns, or automatically retaliate with the activation of instant death. Moreover, his ability is beyond fate and time itself, and was even able to kill an entity from a higher plane of existence[4], who was beyond space and time altogether[5]. Partial Killing: Yogiri can kill specific limbs or the organs of his targets if he wants, such as their senses (looking, hearing, smelling), arms, legs, fingers, hands, etc[6]. It should be noted that even if you cut off the affected limb and try to regenerate/heal it, said limb will still be affected by his ability, and thus won't ever function again, no matter what the target does[7]. It should be noted that at the beginning of series, Yogiri wasn't fully capable of killing specific parts of the body, but he eventually learned how to do it by training with his powers. Immortality Negation: Yogiri is not only capable of killing anything, but he can also completely negate different types of immortality, such as resurrection, regeneration, undead people[8], and even targets to whom the concept of death doesn't apply[9]. Furthermore, even if the enemy resides in a different plane and uses avatars to attack Yogiri, he can reach the true form by killing said avatars.[10][11] Resistance/Immunity Negation: Yogiri's power is capable of completely bypassing immunity and resistance towards instant death abilities.[12] Spiritual Killing: Yogiri is capable of killing ghosts and spirits alike, which also includes souls, as seen when he killed the soul fragments in Chelsea's dolls[13] and Teresa's soul[14][15]. Inorganic Killing: Yogiri is able to kill inanimate objects, nature elements, and inorganic beings such as robots[16], clothes, ice, wood, etc[17]. Data Destruction: Yogiri's ability has been shown to kill and destroy programs, such as the Judge.[18] Abstract/Semantic Erasure: Yogiri is able to choose what he will "kill", which includes how this can affect other objects/people or the environment. He can "kill" his momentum when falling to slow down his fall and land safely. He can also "kill" things based on his conceptualization. If he, for example, "killed" someone's memory of an event, they would lose that memory completely. If he decided to "kill" gravity, he could negate gravity either locally or planet-wide. He is capable of "killing" abstract phenomena and erasing concepts outright such as time or space.[19] Killing Intent, Precognition and Black Lines of Death: Yogiri can sense and foresee any incoming danger that might harm him or his allies beforehand, being able to quickly kill the cause or just dodge the said harm flawlessly[20][21][22]. Moreover, he can also see black lines/fogs on people or places, which indicates that there is potential danger involving them[23]. Fate Protection: Yogiri is an existence protected by fate itself, as mentioned by Aoi. Even surpassing the fate power/amount of those who are considered high destiny-value existences, such as sword saints or Vahanato. As seen with his "fight" with Aoi and Yukimasa, every destination and possibility leads to Yogiri's victory and safety, since that is how Fate itself wants it to be.[24] Swordsmanship: Despite him still being not too strong physically, he has already learned some sword techniques and martial arts from Tomochika, and was even able to kill an average monster with just his sword.[25] Gates: Due to wanting to be as human as possible, Yogiri constantly restrains his power with gates that are locked within his mind. By imagining them opening, he can release more of his powers one by one. Each gate (when unlocked) leads Yogiri to a new phase, and each phase greatly amplifies his power. From the second gate and up, those doors would automatically close after a certain period of time. This process was set up to prevent him from accidentally destroying the world. The exact number of gates is currently unknown, but he is stated to possess numerous of them.[26] Abstract Existence: The Yogiri that we know is only a shell, a vessel for an abstract being from a higher plane to interact with reality. No matter what kind of damage is done to Yogiri, it means nothing for his true form. It also seems to manifest against whatever or whoever tries to kill the vessel for good. Only part of its appearance has been revealed, and it alone is enough to drive targets to fear and insanity. Additionally, this true form exists since the beginning of all things and it is omnipresent across all of space and time of the multiverse.[27] The End of All Things: Yogiri's true form is seemingly the embodiment of nonexistence that represents the end of all things, something that no one could ever hope to surpass, and the final destination of all fate. Aoi stated that Yogiri's human form is the end of everything in the form of a normal person, further supporting the fact that his true form is something completely abstract and metaphysical. Against such a being, even Fate and Plot are less than a joke, similar to a disaster/calamity that can't be fathomed.[28][29] Abyss Manipulation: Yogiri has been shown to perceive and manipulate the higher-dimensional Abyss at will, which is a structure comprised of 4 spatial dimensions + 1 of time, and such a dimension was stated to be only a fraction of Yogiri's true self.[30] Born-Again Immortality: Yogiri is able to live a hundred years, and after the death of his current Incarnation, he will be reborn as a baby. This cycle seems to continue endlessly.[31] these where some abilities revealed of him I think he has more because one he is an eldritch God that might even be able to one shot azanthoth.

Dude just a a avatar of takatou yogiris true form is multiverse level so what makes you think rimuru can take on his true form or avatar let's not forget that rimuru may be a solid multiverse level being but takatou is leagues above that an example is like comparing azathoth to nyarlathotep which we know that azathoth will win this. takatou yogiri is an outer god that I their say can take on 10-20 percent of azathoths power. now the only reason rimuru would win is because he got more fans but takatou has the strength to easily defeat rimuru you may think I'm underestimating rimuru but I'm not I know what rimuru can and can't handle.

ThatsClassified:yogiri vs rimuru is a close fight, but rimurus power doubles every day so rimuru would almost 100% beat yogiri, rimuru is immune to death things like that

no way bruh, rimuru has more Hax, go check his power arsenal and you'd see that rimuru completely outclassed yogiri there and the fact that turn null which isn't even his strongest move, that attack alone is high multiversal so idk what you're talking about

Kirito_Kirigaia:Dude just a a avatar of takatou yogiris true form is multiverse level so what makes you think rimuru can take on his true form or avatar let's not forget that rimuru may be a solid multiverse level being but takatou is leagues above that an example is like comparing azathoth to nyarlathotep which we know that azathoth will win this. takatou yogiri is an outer god that I their say can take on 10-20 percent of azathoths power. now the only reason rimuru would win is because he got more fans but takatou has the strength to easily defeat rimuru you may think I'm underestimating rimuru but I'm not I know what rimuru can and can't handle.

yogiri powers don't work on rimuru either, yogiri just grants "true death" that's why he has to kill invincibility before killing someone(I think that's how it went, tell me if I'm wrong) but yogiri doesn't directly kill someone, rimuru can easily just not die and erase this man from every existing with turn null or rewind him to a time he never existed, yogiri is broken in his world but I got top 5 rimuru world beating him

Kirito_Kirigaia:Dude just a a avatar of takatou yogiris true form is multiverse level so what makes you think rimuru can take on his true form or avatar let's not forget that rimuru may be a solid multiverse level being but takatou is leagues above that an example is like comparing azathoth to nyarlathotep which we know that azathoth will win this. takatou yogiri is an outer god that I their say can take on 10-20 percent of azathoths power. now the only reason rimuru would win is because he got more fans but takatou has the strength to easily defeat rimuru you may think I'm underestimating rimuru but I'm not I know what rimuru can and can't handle.

Yogiri is a special case. Rimuru can never kill him and he can kill Rimuru, simply cause his 'instant death' is not death but rather a removal of a concept from a person. What he normally does is remove the concept of life from the person he 'kills'. As a result, if he so wishes, Yogiri can 'kill' or negate any of Rimuru's powers and the second Rimuru tries to kill him(Rimuru is Not Omniversal in the first place), he will just cease to exist and would have never existed in the first place, despite people remembering him. For example, as can be seen in latest chapters, even if you go to a point way before the person 'died' by Yogiri's ability, that person was still dead and couldn't even be found in the bus. Yogiri is supposed to be just a meme character that's so OP nothing can be done against him and he is from before the conception of the omniverses and is above the concept of the omniverse itself. (Before you speak about Veldanava and by extension Rimuru being so, Veldanava came into being before his multiverse or universe not sure which was created, not before the omniverses)

ThatsClassified:yogiri powers don't work on rimuru either, yogiri just grants "true death" that's why he has to kill invincibility before killing someone(I think that's how it went, tell me if I'm wrong) but yogiri doesn't directly kill someone, rimuru can easily just not die and erase this man from every existing with turn null or rewind him to a time he never existed, yogiri is broken in his world but I got top 5 rimuru world beating him

Nah he actually doesn't need to kill invincibility. He just wants to seem more normal for whatsoever reason. If he activates his 'instant death', even if said person was invincible or immortal, without even knowing they'd be erased completely

ThatsClassified:yogiri powers don't work on rimuru either, yogiri just grants "true death" that's why he has to kill invincibility before killing someone(I think that's how it went, tell me if I'm wrong) but yogiri doesn't directly kill someone, rimuru can easily just not die and erase this man from every existing with turn null or rewind him to a time he never existed, yogiri is broken in his world but I got top 5 rimuru world beating him

I do agree that Rimuru has more hax tho

ThatsClassified:no way bruh, rimuru has more Hax, go check his power arsenal and you'd see that rimuru completely outclassed yogiri there and the fact that turn null which isn't even his strongest move, that attack alone is high multiversal so idk what you're talking about

But then again in the end, it comes down to what you wanna think. Though I love Rimuru, I still think he'd be instantly poofed out of existence but other people would think that Rimuru has erasure nullification and so wouldnt die or whatnot.

ThatsClassified:yogiri powers don't work on rimuru either, yogiri just grants "true death" that's why he has to kill invincibility before killing someone(I think that's how it went, tell me if I'm wrong) but yogiri doesn't directly kill someone, rimuru can easily just not die and erase this man from every existing with turn null or rewind him to a time he never existed, yogiri is broken in his world but I got top 5 rimuru world beating him

Does this yogiri guy even appear in this fanfic?

Kirito_Kirigaia:say that to azanthoths dog Narlytotep I see him appear in a lot of fanfics eldritch Gods have nothing to do except cause despair and yes I got this off of wiki.

yogiri is like Deadpool but low key meaning hw might appear just yo look at someone in disgust

Adrion_Lord:Does this yogiri guy even appear in this fanfic?

Thats only if the author wants that, why would an mc be concerned about a threat that might not even exist? If thats the case then he might as well not get out of his house in fear of offending any omnipotent being from other multiverses

Kirito_Kirigaia:yogiri is like Deadpool but low key meaning hw might appear just yo look at someone in disgust
Other Reviews

🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 GARBEGI 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮. Why did he not have taken the Skill Creat and still cheep the system . But NOOOOOO🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬. He have put a stupid and digasting wish to destroy the system that he was give in . If any one see this story he should new that this story is GARBEGI 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮.Plus author why did you drop the other story. And I also hope that the author and he should drop this story because IT is thrully the worst story in the hollew of the creation of bad fanfictiones and fanfictiones IT self . IT is the worst story that If an other bad story will come IT will not be abel to topoleit in the list of top 100 bad fanfictiones in the howll word . 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤬🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

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