dropping after chapter 8. it annoys me when author spoon feeds too much. And hot the hack the guy who got conned lecturing a god who live billions of years. That god is the dumbest god, with that toodler level iq how did he became the strongest god. instances like this, which break consistancy and are out of logic, Kicks ne out of the flow and leaves a bad test even if the story became better in further chapters.
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LIKEIt is necessary to understand that keeping the reader's attention is one of the author's roles. Don’t rely on things like “this will be explained 100 chapters later”. It's simply demotivating.
If you genuinely took it at face value that a nigh-omnipotent God was actually deceived by a random dude off the street you might need to ropemaxx and hope for a better iq in your next life lil bro.