2022-03-12 16:30

For those like to read good novel with story this is best choice. This novel is different from usual dungeon type novels which reveals around level up and heram. It gave more preference to story then any other thing ( which makes novel good to read ). One thing I wise change is make chapters large ( while reading I feel like when I started to read and end in few seconds

Liked by 11 people


why is the mc not ruthless? is he going to be like this???


please can you let the mc be a phycopath they are more charming


🤣he will have his moments.

Blood_Empress:please can you let the mc be a phycopath they are more charming

please can you add two chapters per day


I try to write a few words more than my daily limit.. but i can't just increase the number of chapters at the cost of degrading the quality of the story. That being said, I will try my best and add a few more chapters whenever i can. Look forward to it.

Webnovel_Fool:please can you add two chapters per day

Please can you pay my rent

ViciousPepper:I try to write a few words more than my daily limit.. but i can't just increase the number of chapters at the cost of degrading the quality of the story. That being said, I will try my best and add a few more chapters whenever i can. Look forward to it.


ThanatosGreekGod:Please can you pay my rent
Other Reviews

Despite being over 500 chapters in length you get the feeling the author has barely scratched the surface of what is possible. So even though I'm making this review now I still consider this in the beginning stages. Without further ado, let's begin... WRITING QUALITY: -Overall the quality is legible meaning accurate grammar and sentence structure most of the time. How do you know that your reading is poor? One way is because of the need to read over the text you just read not because of its complexity or depth but because you didn't grasp what the author is trying to convey. You won't need to worry about this. STABILITY OF UPDATES: -The author as far as I can tell never stayed in the double digits for weekly releasing nor dropped below 4 chapters for long if at all. This is a sign showing the author's desire to stick at it for the long run compared to the amount released I find this a better gauge of stability. Basically, the author so far has not given us a reason to doubt. STORY DEVELOPMENT: -The short answer is you always find yourself coming back for more. The longer answer is the beginning you are brought to some of the highest peaks of power which shows the vast gap between where the MC is now and the progress to be made from the bottom. With his dungeon as a center point, you see the characters venture out exploring the world similar to a character in a game bringing color to grey areas. This is a deliberate decision the author has made compared to other stories that have the MCs base of operations move with him while he scales the ladder of power. Neither is inherently better just more of a preference this author shows. -Not only do you see the MC develop the story being the one we follow but also many side characters and future villains scheming in the background giving you a foreshadowing of events to come. Overall great job. CHARACTER DESIGN: -The author does a masterful job of making sure each character is fleshed out so they add to the MC and the greater plot. Everyone close to the MC has a distinct personality, side characters you meet along the way regardless of duration feel like real people, and the villains are good villains in the sense they make you root for the MC and his companions. -Many people who don't like harem have legitimate concerns that those characters will either be useless or take away from the greater plot. You don't need to worry about this because so far the author has eluded to a few potential harem members however the plot demands your full attention so romance is not the center but instead the byproduct of a compelling story you read unfold. -Another concern many readers have is stories that have harem members surrounding the MC lack other companions which works sometimes while other times it leaves the reader wanting. I would say you are given a myriad of companions helping the MC, hindering the MC, and being there to flesh out the world. WORLD BACKGROUND: -As I wrote earlier the beginning does an excellent job of showing how vast the world is and how much potential the author can use to develop the story and characters. As the story progresses the MC is shown more of the world that seems never-ending which reminds me of peeling back the layers of an onion trying to find the nonexistent core. -The background is tied in obvious and mysterious ways to the MC letting you make your own judgments while giving you more bit by bit proving how much and little you really know so far. Overall I can't recommend this novel enough. Give it try if you're looking for quality content.


Interesting enough for a read, great concepts but the execution is bit odd Instead of scaling stat values to a lower range we start with random numbers in the hundreds when stats in the double digits would have done the exact same thing, it's like Diablo 3 stats in a novel where you can reach 1T and it means nothing. The DP system is even more ridiculous, Author thought numbers had to be big to have any meaning when 100DP could have been made to be something extremely difficult to reach. When Irene is introduced the novel becomes much more annoying to read as well, at least 25% of every chapter with her is describing her beauty because we, as readers are too dumb to have understood from the introduction, no, literally every sentence with her has to describe her beauty...I just skip over any areas where I see her name now, occasionally I check back and it's a waste because all I was missing is worthless info about her appearance. Expect to encounter chapters wasting 50% or more detail describing how amazing, mysterious and powerful she is for absolutely no reason other than Author thinks we're all idiots. This novel may as well be a tribute to a woman he likes called Irene. World background seems really interesting though, the only other annoying part is how he introduces characters and names, instead of normal descriptions we get "HELLO BOBBY, EVIL DRAGON CAT DOG FALCON MAN GODBEAST THE THIRD, TWICE REMOVED, KING OF TOKYO, LORD OF DRAGONS, BREAKER OF CHAINS, MOTHER OF DOGS, LEADER OF BLACK CAT GUILD, MOST RESPECTED ANCIENT BEING" and equally ridiculous introductions that are somehow supposed to be taken seriously Spelling is good, grammar is decent, that's saying a lot for Webnovel so kudos to Author. All in all, decent read if you have nothing else.

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