Interesting enough for a read, great concepts but the execution is bit odd Instead of scaling stat values to a lower range we start with random numbers in the hundreds when stats in the double digits would have done the exact same thing, it's like Diablo 3 stats in a novel where you can reach 1T and it means nothing. The DP system is even more ridiculous, Author thought numbers had to be big to have any meaning when 100DP could have been made to be something extremely difficult to reach. When Irene is introduced the novel becomes much more annoying to read as well, at least 25% of every chapter with her is describing her beauty because we, as readers are too dumb to have understood from the introduction, no, literally every sentence with her has to describe her beauty...I just skip over any areas where I see her name now, occasionally I check back and it's a waste because all I was missing is worthless info about her appearance. Expect to encounter chapters wasting 50% or more detail describing how amazing, mysterious and powerful she is for absolutely no reason other than Author thinks we're all idiots. This novel may as well be a tribute to a woman he likes called Irene. World background seems really interesting though, the only other annoying part is how he introduces characters and names, instead of normal descriptions we get "HELLO BOBBY, EVIL DRAGON CAT DOG FALCON MAN GODBEAST THE THIRD, TWICE REMOVED, KING OF TOKYO, LORD OF DRAGONS, BREAKER OF CHAINS, MOTHER OF DOGS, LEADER OF BLACK CAT GUILD, MOST RESPECTED ANCIENT BEING" and equally ridiculous introductions that are somehow supposed to be taken seriously Spelling is good, grammar is decent, that's saying a lot for Webnovel so kudos to Author. All in all, decent read if you have nothing else.
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