I hope the author/moderator doesn't delete comments that give true and real feedback, simply because it's not to their liking. Because it takes time and effort to give constructive feedback. I've seen them do it too often. And the only 120+ reviews have me wondering if that's the case, especially for a novel with 3+ mil views👀. The concept of the novel is very good as it combines my favorite novel The Ultimate Evolution with the concept of doomsday/world ascension. World ascension is a novel type I really like after reading Battle of Ascension and to have it combined with the concept of my favorite novel had me hyped. It was to the extent that I had a novel idea after reading Ultimate Evolution and Terror Infinity a few years ago but with the aspect of History being the driver... but I guess this novel already used it 🤷‍♂️. So it's no doubt that I like the concept. But this one is really disappointing. The MC's mentality is way too Beta and the novel too rushed. It's not a matter of speed leveling or the like, but that way too many instances are skipped or just barely glossed over which leaves readers confused. These don't make the novel "drop worthy" at least not for me because I love this type of novel, but it's still very confusing and very disappointing nonetheless. WQ 4/5: Very good writing quality if you ask me. SD 3/5: The beginning or at least after DD happens, the story seems overly rushed. Some may say that skipping some growth segments are obvious and deem it ok or at least it's not bad. But this kind of SD makes the novel very confusing. Half the time things are happening but I wonder why it's happening at all. It's like plots just come jumping out at you. So it's difficult to follow. CD 2/5: This is one of the worst CD I have ever seen tbh. It's already 80 chapters into the novel yet the MC is still as Beta as the first 5 chapters. He is still crying about morality every other chapter which makes it so difficult to read and very repetitive. Not to mention him constantly grasping unto the leg of the girl who is clearly using him... at least to me she is using him. UD 5/5: Best thing about the novel. 24+ chapters per week is really great, especially if you like this novel. WB 3/5: It's not terrible and it's not great. This ties in either the rushed SD from above. Because the SD is so rushed, after 80 chapters in, all I know about the WB is that it's some futuristic earth and the one city he stays in or around.... and of the 2 dungeons he entered.
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