I don't like the fact that the mc, who keeps saying that it has an adult mind, is so stupid and lazy. I'm not saying that the mc has to be op or a genius, just that anyone with an adult mind that knows that he will be targeted for his blood status and the fact that he is harry's friend, still doesn't try to learn has much as he can from a library full of magic books (I get that there are limits in power, but the mc didn't try to learn anything from outside of class because he was lazy and didn't know how to learn from books without a teacher of some sort holding his and to learn a spell, and didn't want to put in the extra effort). This isn't even counting the fact that you apparently need multiple magic books to learn just one spell since the books are so bad that a single book doesn't contain all the necessary information to learn a simple spell...
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LIKEnot saying that there arent people that would do that but how many people do you know that would honestly would pass most of their time reading books and learning and i know its magic but even then there are a lot of people that are lazy and wouldnt go out of their way to learn even if it is magic and the mc saying hes mature could just be the mc trying to have some sort of ego or hes just narssasistic
When you know that a war is coming in a couple years... and you don't even need to read books, just practice spells