Honestly the world background was good and the horrible perspective changed eventually but the mc seems to be suffering some mental problems. An example is that despite possessing a world of infinite resources he for some reason doesn't hole himself up in some cave, find some way to extend his lifespan and just watch the got world screw itself over. Instead he thinks and acts as if he Is a normal person who will die of old age and pass down his families land whilst simultaneously strengthening everyone else in the area whether they are all or enemy? He doesn't really have any goal or anything and is just wasting his potential constantly. He owns an actual world but is fine being some King's subordinate. Also way too much irrelevant information as info dumps on some stuff that will never be seen again or stuff that I think is straight off of the wiki that has no influence on the story. Other than that it is fine, just thinking of leaving it for a while to cool down. Ps. Also can't bear to read a 300 or so words straight with no paragraph spacing being written in a really confusing way in the chapter 'Wandless' around chapter 30
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