
Review Detail of LordValmar in Marvel's Superman [Completed]

Review detail


Review based off 124 chapters read of the translation, and complete 487 chapters of the full story via machine translation. I've read quite a few chinese Marvel fics and I have to say, this is definitely one of the better ones. Probably in my top 3. There is also no blatant racism or chinese propaganda. It's also a crossover fic for those who might be interested to know. I mean, besides just being "Superman in Marvel". The MC, Luke, will crossover into not only different Marvel universes but also Watchman and several DC universes. It might be handy to know this before you get too invested because if you only have knowledge of the MCU you might get a little confused down the line. The MC is... unbelievably a pretty good person. While he might be more gray area than a traditional comic hero, especially compared to the OG Superman, as far as Marvel fics go he's practically a shining beacon. Maybe my perspective is just warped from reading so many MC's being frankly a lot more sociopathic or just plain psychotic. Now the story itself has its up and downs. It does a lot of things a little differently from what I'm used to seeing. For example the MC starts at the same time as Captain America but instead of either of them going on ice they actually stay. So he actually pushed things forward a bit by introducing tech advances and ideas that would had otherwise come about in the next generation. Such as putting forward the ironman suit idea to Howard to see if he could make it, and even establishing SHIELD much earlier. The only real complaint I had with the story was that probably from chapter 200+ it begins to feel a bit... rushed I guess. That may not be the best way to describe it but there are a lot of small story elements that come up, plots that happen and seem to build up to something... only to then be basically never really touched upon again. like for example we hear that he's putting together this magic congress... but after putting all the pieces in place it all becomes background noise. We don't ever see it nor does it play any further role in the story. All the build up for only to get no real satisfying conclusion. There are a lot of moments like this where the MC gathers something with implied intentions... but we never see what it ultimately leads to. I feel like the author might had wrote himself into a corner and just ran out of ways to make the story interesting so he just rushed to tidy up an ending to call it a day. The reason I think that is because after a certain point in the story the MC has stacked so many Superman templates ontop of each other that he is basically a god who can punch through dimensions. Despite my complaints I did enjoy the story. (I have reposted this review several times. Between WebNovel inexplicably destroying the formatting and making this a giant wall of text instead of including my spacing, or just not showing my review to public eyes for some reason I'm frankly done trying to fight with it. Hopefully the stars still count for something.)

Marvel's Superman [Completed]


Liked by 267 people






Sorry for the poor formatting. When I wrote this review (several times) it originally did have proper spacing. But for some reason WebNovel just keeps removing it and turning it into a giant wall of text. It also appears to cut off near the end. Annoying but frankly theres nothing I can do about it and I'm tried of trying.


it's alr, tysm for your time and support




Thanks for the heads up bro, since I'm not a fan of DC it saves me wasting time on it if he doesn't stick to Marvel.


Hey brother can u recommend other decent MTL like this, thank you in advance!!


Can you tell me with chapter Mc will update one of his superman cards to level 2, because it's getting boring for me to hope that he will update his card to level 2 every chapter and I am chapter

BingeFics:it's alr, tysm for your time and support

Can you tell me with chapter Mc will update one of his superman cards to level 2, because it's getting boring for me to hope that he will update his card to level 2 every chapter and I am chapter

LordValmar:Sorry for the poor formatting. When I wrote this review (several times) it originally did have proper spacing. But for some reason WebNovel just keeps removing it and turning it into a giant wall of text. It also appears to cut off near the end. Annoying but frankly theres nothing I can do about it and I'm tried of trying.

Can you tell me with chapter Mc will update one of his superman cards to level 2, because it's getting boring for me to hope that he will update his card to level 2 every chapter and I am chapter


Sorry, I don't remember. I don't even fully remember if he upgraded any to level 2. Mostly he stacks them ontop of each other. Like Magic Superman, Techno Superman and I believe near the end he got one of the oldschool comic superman that could pull multiple planets with a chain (comics are crazy like that). While my memory is spotty, I don't recall him ever really having much struggle in any fighting after WWII were he was the weakest. From there on its pretty much just curb-stomp with him getting new Superman cards that coincidentally make it so he is better prepared for whatever antagonist shows up next. It's part of why I commented in my review that the author seemed a bit lost on how to continue the story because he made the MC so powerful that he doesn't really have any struggles.

_Jo1Jo2Jo3Kurdi_:Can you tell me with chapter Mc will update one of his superman cards to level 2, because it's getting boring for me to hope that he will update his card to level 2 every chapter and I am chapter

can someone give the link for the machine translation please


Sire you've said this is your top three Could you bless this lowly servant with the knowledge of the other two novels?


Well, to be honest, I can't really remember the titles. It doesn't help that they tend to be generic and a lot of events that happen in one will also happen in others, so figuring it out by flicking through a few chapters isn't viable. Plus I cannot remember Chinese names for the life of me, regardless of how much I might had liked it. I believe "I Am in Marvel" was one of them. Heroes of Marvel might had been another - though I'm a bit sketchy on that. Two novels I definitely remember loving though was My Iron Suit and Kingsman of the Movie World - however they're not strictly Marvel. Iron Suit is like a world-hopper story where the MC travels to different movie worlds and gathers strength and technology to bring back to the real world. However Marvel does play a pretty big part of it - the dude actually takes control of Hydra and brings them over as his loyal fanatical secret force. Kingsman is a little similar but instead of different worlds it all takes place on one world. So its like a massive crossover world. I don't remember Marvel taking a huge focus of it though, it's mostly more action but "realistic" movies (Fast and Furious, Expendables, The Kingsman) but I do seem to recall Stark Industries being a thing... I could be foggy on that though.

AinzO0alGown:Sire you've said this is your top three Could you bless this lowly servant with the knowledge of the other two novels?

Thank you for this small mercy

LordValmar:Well, to be honest, I can't really remember the titles. It doesn't help that they tend to be generic and a lot of events that happen in one will also happen in others, so figuring it out by flicking through a few chapters isn't viable. Plus I cannot remember Chinese names for the life of me, regardless of how much I might had liked it. I believe "I Am in Marvel" was one of them. Heroes of Marvel might had been another - though I'm a bit sketchy on that. Two novels I definitely remember loving though was My Iron Suit and Kingsman of the Movie World - however they're not strictly Marvel. Iron Suit is like a world-hopper story where the MC travels to different movie worlds and gathers strength and technology to bring back to the real world. However Marvel does play a pretty big part of it - the dude actually takes control of Hydra and brings them over as his loyal fanatical secret force. Kingsman is a little similar but instead of different worlds it all takes place on one world. So its like a massive crossover world. I don't remember Marvel taking a huge focus of it though, it's mostly more action but "realistic" movies (Fast and Furious, Expendables, The Kingsman) but I do seem to recall Stark Industries being a thing... I could be foggy on that though.

you think he's powerful but i don't see him that powerful besides being a bit strong below the allfather he almost died for odin and had a hard time with the sentry he didn't die for the sentry himself because of the sentry have powers with the sun attribute.

LordValmar:Sorry, I don't remember. I don't even fully remember if he upgraded any to level 2. Mostly he stacks them ontop of each other. Like Magic Superman, Techno Superman and I believe near the end he got one of the oldschool comic superman that could pull multiple planets with a chain (comics are crazy like that). While my memory is spotty, I don't recall him ever really having much struggle in any fighting after WWII were he was the weakest. From there on its pretty much just curb-stomp with him getting new Superman cards that coincidentally make it so he is better prepared for whatever antagonist shows up next. It's part of why I commented in my review that the author seemed a bit lost on how to continue the story because he made the MC so powerful that he doesn't really have any struggles.

Do you know when he upgrades to the next superman card after LV2?


Im glad you just opened me up to the idea of propaganda in a novel





LordValmar:Well, to be honest, I can't really remember the titles. It doesn't help that they tend to be generic and a lot of events that happen in one will also happen in others, so figuring it out by flicking through a few chapters isn't viable. Plus I cannot remember Chinese names for the life of me, regardless of how much I might had liked it. I believe "I Am in Marvel" was one of them. Heroes of Marvel might had been another - though I'm a bit sketchy on that. Two novels I definitely remember loving though was My Iron Suit and Kingsman of the Movie World - however they're not strictly Marvel. Iron Suit is like a world-hopper story where the MC travels to different movie worlds and gathers strength and technology to bring back to the real world. However Marvel does play a pretty big part of it - the dude actually takes control of Hydra and brings them over as his loyal fanatical secret force. Kingsman is a little similar but instead of different worlds it all takes place on one world. So its like a massive crossover world. I don't remember Marvel taking a huge focus of it though, it's mostly more action but "realistic" movies (Fast and Furious, Expendables, The Kingsman) but I do seem to recall Stark Industries being a thing... I could be foggy on that though.

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LordValmar:Well, to be honest, I can't really remember the titles. It doesn't help that they tend to be generic and a lot of events that happen in one will also happen in others, so figuring it out by flicking through a few chapters isn't viable. Plus I cannot remember Chinese names for the life of me, regardless of how much I might had liked it. I believe "I Am in Marvel" was one of them. Heroes of Marvel might had been another - though I'm a bit sketchy on that. Two novels I definitely remember loving though was My Iron Suit and Kingsman of the Movie World - however they're not strictly Marvel. Iron Suit is like a world-hopper story where the MC travels to different movie worlds and gathers strength and technology to bring back to the real world. However Marvel does play a pretty big part of it - the dude actually takes control of Hydra and brings them over as his loyal fanatical secret force. Kingsman is a little similar but instead of different worlds it all takes place on one world. So its like a massive crossover world. I don't remember Marvel taking a huge focus of it though, it's mostly more action but "realistic" movies (Fast and Furious, Expendables, The Kingsman) but I do seem to recall Stark Industries being a thing... I could be foggy on that though.


LordValmar:Well, to be honest, I can't really remember the titles. It doesn't help that they tend to be generic and a lot of events that happen in one will also happen in others, so figuring it out by flicking through a few chapters isn't viable. Plus I cannot remember Chinese names for the life of me, regardless of how much I might had liked it. I believe "I Am in Marvel" was one of them. Heroes of Marvel might had been another - though I'm a bit sketchy on that. Two novels I definitely remember loving though was My Iron Suit and Kingsman of the Movie World - however they're not strictly Marvel. Iron Suit is like a world-hopper story where the MC travels to different movie worlds and gathers strength and technology to bring back to the real world. However Marvel does play a pretty big part of it - the dude actually takes control of Hydra and brings them over as his loyal fanatical secret force. Kingsman is a little similar but instead of different worlds it all takes place on one world. So its like a massive crossover world. I don't remember Marvel taking a huge focus of it though, it's mostly more action but "realistic" movies (Fast and Furious, Expendables, The Kingsman) but I do seem to recall Stark Industries being a thing... I could be foggy on that though.