2021-06-17 14:59

The writer has good potential but he does not do enough research about the country hes trying to write the story setting in. His book literally has many errors in culture like guns being rare in the United States or businesses doing cooperations because hes too lazy to Describe the actual business transactions. At 1st the book was good and I can pass up the shotty writing but when you go through about a 130 chapters of it and you still see really glaring and I'm carrying mistakes that just make the Book unreadable in a choppy mess.

Liked by 10 people


You're kinda right though..! But I like d book


Do you know why? The original story was written in Chinese. The characters are meant to be Chinese and the story takes place in China (or Hua Xia), but for some inane reason, the translators decided to "westernize" the story and change all the names and setting to anglo names and the US. Guns are rare in China, but the translators didn't take that into account when they decided to anglocize everything.

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