just an extra warning, this does NOT get better. I've skimmed the raws and Victoria also ends up going psycho as a result of a series of very convoluted, messy time travel shenanigans. she ends up 'cheating' on him but not really but also does (when Victoria goes missing and leaves with Jordans brother to reunite with her father (normal clarke), Jordan believes that the Howard's have her captive so he agrees to marry Lauren in order to gain info on her location, upon learning of their soon to be marriage a distraught Victoria seeks out Jordans brother and sleeps with him.... later we find out its actually just Jordan's alternate identity from when time travels back to the past.. so Jordan ends up cucking himself and therefore getting front row seats to Victorias infedility. Naturally this causes him to be repulsed by her. This leads to a rift and eventually them splitting up, then..... emotionally wrecked she marries his uncle lol.... (whom she was previously comforted (not sexually) by during Jordans supposed death <something I skipped and didn't explain>) Now she's become some superhuman with mind control abilities that has also become insane (Lauren is the only girl that remains faithful for those who are crazy enough to continue reading. oh and also some Swedish chick named Lota). All in all, don't read this garbage, it's not worth your time or money. Unless u enjoy subpar writing and an author who cannot write without just inserting convoluted, incredibly forced drama.
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LIKEits originally a Chinese novel, you can find it online its called 'abandoned son in law'. The translation changes the names into western ones. Jordan Steele = Ye Chen Victoria = Qin Hongyan Lauren= Su Muqing I just skimmed it using Google translate.
Bro do you have other sauce cuz when I search for abandoned son in law its different. Thanks!