I quit reading after chapter five. I just felt the MC's narrating voice doesn't suit her background. She sounds like a spoiled kid from birth, her thoughts are like optimistic and kind of stupid and she hasn't got an unsilly thought inside that noggin. She is a kid, so everything is somewhat justified. I just think, well, a girl who was a 'streetrat' should have a mentality like that too. Even after reincarnation, even if she is a silly and optimiatic girl by heart, her first thought should be 'I need to find food and shelter.' 'This might be dangerous' and 'I need to be careful'. Especially if she has been on the streets for a long time (and she should be, or this detail isn't quite so important to put on the first chapter and launch the beginning of the book) then her personality should also be imbued with a mature and pessimistic nature. I am not saying she cannot be silly, she can, but for her to have survived in the streets for some time, that requires a different kind of worldview that doesn't match her persona. So she needs a sort of hidden rational side that comes out in times of crisis. Which is absent. And thus the character becomes two dimensional and somewhat illogical to read about. The beginning was strong and good, but the rebirth... Nah, pass. And how does she know about systems and statuses anyway? Don't tell me they have internet in the streets? The 'losing virginity to a stone' part was overkill, if you ask me. Anyway, these ditzy type protagonists are not my preference, I only read them if they are COMPLETE MASTERPIECES, this book is very good, promising, just doesn't match my tastes. Try the book if it matches yours, if you don't fancy cute and silly girls, try something else.
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LIKEApologies to the author but I have to agree if you've lived on the streets long enough to be considered and called a street rat there's no way in hell your naive, optimistic, not worried about shelter/food, but most of all the most noticeable thing and it's something that a "street rat" is known for would be there constant awareness of their surroundings (at least to me that's the most noticeable). Tho tbh I'm saying this comment purely based off what I'm getting from other people's comments, because I haven't read a single word of this story yet, tho considering I'm hearing(well seeing) that the character may very well be a ditzy type, might not read. But likely will since it has an evolution tag
Hmmm there becomes a twist later on that justifies it is all I’m gonna say