It's very one dimensional. Our MC yells, punches, and struggles his way out of every situation, and his villains are all cliche "BRAT ILL KILL YOU!!!" type. Everyone remotely good is an innocent bystander to be abused by sadistic villains, and everyone remotely evil is completely so, completely lacking in character, and with no redemptive characteristics to speak of.
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LIKEI do get your point and I honestly feel at some points in the story the same. But I think you have to take in consideration that the story is a multiverse one, so if you want to give every person and every villain he comes in contact with a unique character, its gonna be near impossible. And if he did it the progress of the story would be way to slow. He would need to describe each character over severall sections and would need to create setups and ministorys to bring them in play. So I do think he made a great job in finding a balance between those things. Also that the autor just writes it for fun. So I just appreciate that he worte it.
Though you do bring up some valid points, I disagree with alot of what you said. First of all, despite the story involving dimensional travel, all the worlds visited are from various works of fiction. Thus, a cast of well developed characters already exists for the author to build off of. From what I remember of this novel, a large potion of the cast was composed of original characters. However original characters should always be well developed - if they aren't, interactions with them should be brief, or they should be entirely replaced by members of the main cast. At any rate, though a full backstory isn't needed for most characters, the characters portrayed here could definitely use a little more personality. Finally, whatever the author's motives, they did share it online, and though I may not like their story, I respect them as a writer. My gripe isn't with the author, it's with the book.