I am torn on this story. The author has some serious flow to his writing making you want to read more and more, but there are some poor plotting decisions and characterization that make me less than enthused about the direction of the story. The character seems like an incel. I don't know if that is what the author hoped for or not. I think this story is a fun read for the most part but anyone claiming this is the best it gets and this is a must read is lying to you.
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LIKEIt is something I picked up on from the way he talks about his past life and how he still put his trust in Frangilla after he got his wits back. It is a deduction, not the truth of what the author wanted to portray. Honestly though, him trusting Frangilla with his life was minor league compared to trusting Emyr not to act like a psyco when backed into a corner.
Emyr was risky but to do nothing would have destroyed the school anyway as canon had shown. In this case it was better to tempt it. It is an acceptable mistake to underestimate the madness of someone, especially if this madness lead to their mutual destruction. I agree more about frangella, but the problem is more that his altered mind wasn't pointed enought . Another problem is why would a century old sorceress care about a 10 years old child?
Agreed the Fringilla thing was weird AF right from the start. My problem with the Emyr thing was that the Viper's stepped to him and then let it slide. Those dudes should have had agents ready to spring the whole Duny thing the moment Emyr acted up. The old as dirt ******** survivalists trusted that all would be good after a ten year old threatened the most powerful man in the world.
Agreed but that more of detail. That part wasn't that long or important.