The novel presents an interesting concept for its storyline, the usage of an ice cream parlor, which I find it as a breath of fresh air compared to the usage of restaurants (especially the ones driven by a large family). However, many chapters have giant paragraphs, which make it hard to read especially when some chapters have dialogues combined within that large paragraph. I also look forward to the world of the story, but that'll probably be in more chapters. This is a good novel concept and writing style wise but please give more spaces in between dialogues and paragraphs, because the formatting at the moment contributes to my given score. Keep on writing.
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LIKEI am actually confused at this point since I write for myself , and everyone says it is to short and to long , so I got to figure out something soon to benefit everyone and enjoy reading this story without any confusions. Thank you very much for the review! Yes I will keep growing, so as you.