This is Quite Good. The story is basically about becoming God and management his world and war. MC is not stupid. MC's world basically a sea world so he chose weak and trash race that has great advantage in sea. But I don't understand why he didn't choose other race which is also great at sea and overall better than MC's race. Storyline is quite interesting. I hope it's great picked. story is quite interesting and Unique.
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LIKENah. What he is speaking is that there were more powerful low rank race than murloc, but he chose murloc which is practically brain dead. Like for example, there was this frogman or snakeman which is a low rank race like a murloc and could be considered as water element race, but more powerful than a murloc. The MC could choose it because they are basically low rank, but he did not and chose the weakest one which is stupd.
hmm... guess so. but idk many species that would have acceptable adaptability in both an aquatic and terrestrial environments(wet n swampy at most tho).
Nah they're too high up the low level. His world probably wouldn't be able to sustain a middle or higher level low rank species. Let's take bullywargs as the frogmen: they're smart enough to make weapons, stay in tribes, have a somewhat complex language of their own, and worship gods on their own. They're also much stronger physically than murlocks. and as for snakemen... idk any that isn't at least as strong or stronger than several humans. maybe I'm wrong tho.
Nah. The domain of the MC could take the frogmen because frogmen are just low rank species. Only mid rank and high rank species could affect the weak domain of the MC at the start, but low rank race could not, even if this low rank race are strong.