I think this is a really good idea BUT this could have been wayy better And i understand that you wrote this simply for fun but if you ever decide to rewrite or such you can use these advices 1 - Too OP In nordic mythology (real one) Thor was able to lift jormungandr which was said to coil around earth and in the MCU version even the weakest thor is a city - nation level threat you could have simply sealed his powers and make him get used to his powers bit by bit thus unlocking it 2 - Too abrupt From the readers viewpoint Thor suddenly got chucked into this world And we have not been able to see him grow develop relationships and become more mature as years go by 3 - Relationships Ragnar was a man of many faults in the show he had his ups and downs like most humans but he wasn't to the point of being bitter even when his wife left him he was a viking and a leader i think that the characters are not much thought put into it not very fleshed out for example even if ragnar was a bitter man he would have to recognize the strength and benefit Thor brings and remember Ragnar only became the Jarl because THE Jarl was making trouble for him Aside from that it's decent not many grammar mistakes readable a bit eye catching definetly could be more polished 5/10
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