The system user, or fullbringer lol. No seriously not using the mc's name is cheesy but I can still handle it. My very problem is that the synopsis of this fanfiction was a lie. The mc is supposedly not a good guy, but he's just another dude with hero complex. His interactions with the system are cringe to say the least and the poor comedic relief doesnt make up for his lack of power. Then again it was my own fault. I should have stopped reading when I realized it was a mission type system novel. Good luck to the author but this fiction is everything I hate condensed in one. Read it if it's for you. To me it didnt feel like a fanfic, but the original series, with a more stupid protag.
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LIKEi believe your review is almost so unfair it's not even funny. The system user and fullbringer was a bad habit i had in the first six chapters, i dropped it completely after that. How is this a quest based story? He always has the option to just not do the quest, and sometimes he doesn't even complete them at all. Then... How is he more dumb than Ichigo? You need to rewatch bleach, i think, the early chapter might give you a reminder on just how Ichigo used to be. Hero complex? How so? You say it like he's always jumping to help someone, lol. I can think of two situations in which that something like that happened. I'm sure you can't point three of them at all.
I can respect if you didn't like the story, but that's about it. You didn't like his interactions with the system? Again, i can accept that. But defining my MC as someone with a hero complex when he has avoided helping ALMOST ANYONE... Yeah, i just don't think it's fair.
My review is obviously not fair. As I said, I hate everything about the story, lol. It's not against you either. Just not for me. Concerning your arguments: 1-Let's forget about that petty "system user", "fullbringer" shit. Good on you for using Kuromiya instead. Was a bit cheesy but it's not something you drop a story for. 2-You see, the thing about mission type systems is that you can blame each and any of mc's stupid decisions on the harshness of the system. This is a genre I hate, especially when the missions do not match the personality the system is demonstrating on the daily. Your system is a chill dude, but the missions it gives are just suicidal. Basically you can blame your mc's weakness on it, since just like you say he tries not go for the stupid ones... 3-Mc's stupidity: This one is so subjective...Dude, if someone is stupid how can he know he isn't? I find the dude dumb, and more. I'm not implying that you're the mc, but he must cater to your own tastes if that's the type you've chosen. Anyway, not to appear biased, let me point an instance of his idiocy. The mc says he wants to get close to Urahara as soon as possible, but doesn't accept his offer immediately. Reason? This is just one instance and I can think of several others. The fullbringer class was supposed to bring him a sense of security because he wouldn't be a target. What happens instead? He is in the eye of the shitstorm... 4-Hero complex: I wasn't specific enough with this one. His hero complex is only concerned with females. There are several ways to make a harem, but this isn't one I will like. It's one thing to protect your girls, but going so far as to face tough guys to act cool in front of them is another. Sidenote: The way mc handled Renji was a high note. Sadly this novel is not for me.
He doesn't accept immediately because it would be weird for him to do so. I doubt Urahara would not find it strange, so with that in mind he asked for some time (even though he didn't need that time, since he had already decided). I don't believe the MC is someone who jumps to help beautiful women either, since he basically watched as Orihime got her shit beat out of her until the fight was over. I get it, even then it might not be ur kind of story, which is fine. I just wanted to clear our a few things since i don't want people to read hero complex and assume that the MC is actually like that.
¿Y? No recuerdo haber dicho lo contrario, todo lo que dije en este comentario es que deje de usar "the fullbringer". Voy a seguir usando descripciones breves de personajes a lo largo de la historia lo lamento sino te gusta pero prefiero eso a repetir una y otra vez los nombres de personajes. Tampoco es como si no usara sus nombres, pero si ya use cierto nombre en un parrafo, en los dos siguientes no vuelvo a usarlo, esa es simplemente mi forma de escribir y no va a cambiar.