
Review Detail of BRACKKUSama_z in Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan

Review detail


Sometimes I just wonder about the people on this platform. People are actually giving this amazing novel and low rating for just not being OP at the start? It’s pure stupidity , utter and pure stupidity. If you wanna break for all the normal garbage fanfiction’s that you read on this platform this is the one to read. It has a refreshing start and solid premise. Compared to a holy joker fic, this is so much better. Ignore the bad reviews, most of them are just butthurt that he wasn’t throwing planets around as a baby. I swear people on Webnovel sometimes lack brain cells

Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan


Liked by 289 people




Is there any romance, and if yes who is the love interest?


Exactly. novels like those they want would be finished pretty soon and then they would hare around about how short it was


I agree about your opinion


Holyjoker SHHH**T


These days I can't even bring myself to read most 'op from the start' stories, they've gotten just as common and trashy as system novels, harem novels, face slap humor, and damsel in distress subplots. I just want to read something that feels like it had some effort put into it at this point.


Trust me , this one is does not start like that.

Kailour:These days I can't even bring myself to read most 'op from the start' stories, they've gotten just as common and trashy as system novels, harem novels, face slap humor, and damsel in distress subplots. I just want to read something that feels like it had some effort put into it at this point.

What do you expect from people who read trash fanfics in this site?


Of course they won't fancy this gem of a novel. Why?! Because there's no God who would grant the mc 3 OP wish granting plot destroying shit

Mastaaah:What do you expect from people who read trash fanfics in this site?

well yeah cause every FF am fining is reborn with 3 wishes dude if u lived a life then u been reborned u just got a massive soul power increase


Bro.....so true, just too true


YEP totally


Maybe this novel got such a low rating because it have so many grammatical errors that it makes the eyes and minds of the Readers hurt, that they need to guess what the Author has written? Nah, its because PeOpLe CaN't SeE GoLd, EvEn If It'S sLaPpEd On ThEiR fAcEs. 🤪 The plot might be good, but people won't put up with all those errors when there are 'correctly written' novels and fanfics around.


no people is litarly given 1 star cause he to weak to be a hyoga or simelat but i do agree with you on grammar

ElhitBunny:Maybe this novel got such a low rating because it have so many grammatical errors that it makes the eyes and minds of the Readers hurt, that they need to guess what the Author has written? Nah, its because PeOpLe CaN't SeE GoLd, EvEn If It'S sLaPpEd On ThEiR fAcEs. 🤪 The plot might be good, but people won't put up with all those errors when there are 'correctly written' novels and fanfics around.

I'm very strict with grammar but even I didn't notice any errors.

ElhitBunny:Maybe this novel got such a low rating because it have so many grammatical errors that it makes the eyes and minds of the Readers hurt, that they need to guess what the Author has written? Nah, its because PeOpLe CaN't SeE GoLd, EvEn If It'S sLaPpEd On ThEiR fAcEs. 🤪 The plot might be good, but people won't put up with all those errors when there are 'correctly written' novels and fanfics around.

half the people giving bad reviews are because of translation problems and it's plagiarized


The reason for low ratings is not that he is weak but stupid and puts himself in embarrassing situations he keeps complaining about being weak but he doesn't try to train he has a tenseigan and doesn't try to find out or train for it he just goes and takes a mission he knows what's going on and yet he risks his life for no benefit he just goes back to the village and continues His life always thought he wanted to steal a jutsu or do something for the future, but he goes to shiver and cry and gets close to death and then Jiraya or Orochimaru falls from the sky to save him


I haven’t read it so don’t grill me too hard but o don’t mind not being strong, I get angry when I protagonist is weaker then he is supposed to be, for example status screen says she has millions of mana and health yet a single chop to the neck from the enemy knocks them out and they get kidnapped till someone saves them, or from what I’ve read in this case has the combination of rinnagan and the hyuuga clans eye and is being trained by a sannin yet isn’t stronger then academy kids, especially with how easy it is to get stronger in naruto if you have future knoledge, get a showdow clone even if it’s only one and use it to train whether figuring your weaknesses is a taijutsu battle or practicing chakra control will all the methods and eventually leaning rasengan ( easy jutsu that doesn’t need hand sighs ( well not easy but you know ))


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did you just say Holy Joker? aww man, I already feel bad for the parents, or the lack of them anyway.


you still reading this?


Yeah like Dude the mc doesn't have to a god at the beginning at the story to be a good story