Nicknames their Pokémon and had the chance for any region Pokémon for his starter but the author gave the MC a Nidoran… one of the most common Pokémon in Kanto.
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LIKETried to read it again but the MC is trash. He has superior knowledge, previous world knowledge, and a system but somehow doesn’t win a rookie tournament and was garbage in the matches that he did win. Either the author has 0 Pokémon knowledge or they wanted an MC that is an idiot, trash trainer, and a superiority complex. Do not waste your time reading this story!
Uhhh then I don't know what you could be complaining about . Nidoking is one of the strongest pokemon in kanto. Are you on the same page as that other guy who seems to be asking for a legendary starter which is just an absurd desire in my mind?
Not really asking for legendary but out of over 1000 Pokémon, we get Nidoran… exciting, right? His others don’t get much better.
I think it's an author's way of trying to make the story "unique"