the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.
Elara Luna Black.
Yes, Black as in daughter of the infamous Sirius Black, who was imprisoned for the murder of Peter Pettigrew and twelve other Muggles, as well as for the betrayal of the Potters. Or so they say.
Yes, Black as in a the ones in the Sacred Twenty-Eight, which are a group of families known to be the purest of all purebloods.
Elara Black was ripped away from her father when the Aurors came to arrest him for what he had done. She was pushed off to the side, barely old enough, but she remembered that Dumbledore couldn't even convince them to give him a trial, he wouldn't.
Her image of her father was untainted by the rumours and assumptions everyone made. But, he was gone now, and she was left at an orphanage. Left to her own defenses.
And so she learned. She read, and absorbed information and practiced her magic, before she even got to Hogwarts. She swore she would make everyone see the truth about her father, but she never expected someone to believe her without her even trying to convince them. She never expected someone to help her in her mission, but as they always say:
"Sometimes, the best things in life are unexpected."
reemallawati · Book&Literature